Highest fame bonus items?


I’ve decided to try to do some fame farming and was curious which items have the highest fame bonuses for suiciding.


Relatively common:

Hunt - 6% Cbow/Dbow
Ctrap - idk how much but it’s common
Csilk/Wyrm - 5%
Any 5% ring

High %
Full MBC/Cult/Void set

What type of 6% fame bonus items do you have (or 7%)


Just looked through my muledump:

6% - dbow, cbow, quintessential quiver, luxurious leather, random spell extraction, bloodshed ring, flowing clarity, dblade, sileex’s hammer, prot, endless torment, plague, ep, esben staff, bulwark
7% - heart of gold

Yeah I have trash luck with lost halls whites


Huh looks like probably the best set for suiciding would be the cupid set at 7% fame bonus for each piece. Unfortunately I wasn’t playing this februrary :frowning:


Most reskins have a 7% bonus


Easter Crossbow (Tshot reskin) - 7%
Easter Wakizashi - 7%
Ice T12 weapon reskins - 7%
ASS / Scutum / UBDEF reskins (easter) - 7%
Omni 7%
Valentines - QOT/Csilk/UBHP reskins 7%, not sure if Leaf reskin gave 7%
T0 Prism was 7%


Yes it did. All reskins availible in quests except the white bag ones for christmas have 7% now


The golden archer ST set is also a nice set to commit sudoku with, each piece has 6% and the set has no practical value otherwise.


nah, its sudoku


I’d rather die than do this.


When you start to try and solve the puzzle, then realize you screwed up somewhere.

Alright, let’s do this again.

EDit: solved

9 8 6 …1 7 3… 4 2 5
2 7 5… 8 4 6… 9 3 1
3 4 1… 9 2 5… 6 7 8

7 5 9… 3 1 2… 8 4 6
6 3 8… 4 9 7… 5 1 2
4 1 2… 5 6 8… 3 9 7

8 2 7… 6 3 4… 1 5 9
5 9 4… 7 8 1… 2 6 3
1 6 3… 2 5 9… 7 8 4



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