Horrible spelling mistakes thread




What is it?


i never do any mistake albeit i type very fast.

insta reply hax ftw


@epicnecros finally, a thread where I can turn off my aitocorct!


Your comment.


Here, this will set things straight


All hail aitocorct! You dare turn down our God’s gift to us? You blasphemous heathen!


This tread needs a warning fir ppl wiff OCD…


actually wait. i do have an insanely horrible spelling mistake.




what was it meant to say


yes. " PrinceMath "


rip rip rip :::::::::::__::::::::::::::::::::::::__:::::_:__:


fffffff thats what i get for typing so fast

now people are wondering if they should pronounce princemeth or princemith.



from realmafia round 3 day 1


I like how he spelled it the same way on this thread XD


where do you think it came from lol


oops didnt realize that was a reference





(skree complete sentence)


We get the Septapus bot back on our guild discord
Immediately Ludfru attempts to make a comic