Hotfix for Patch 27.7.X8.1


nah i dont feel like it


Thanks for being receptive. I think you guys are on the right track with this idea even if the initial fix was a bit too restrictive. I agree that until low-level characters are capable of soloing the “meat n’ potatoes” dungeons such as sewers, abysses, labs and cems, we should be able to call out these dungeons for support.

High-level dungeons are a different matter, and I think that this teleportation restriction will help in reducing the sheer number of players piggybacking along into trenches, tombs and shatters. Public trenches in particular have become so overwhelmed by players that they are no longer a reliable option for obtaining mana pots. If a player is not strong enough to survive the event encounter, then they should not be able to benefit from the dungeon that drops until they run lower dungeons and get stronger.

I thank you sincerely for working to improve the game for all players, and keep up the great work!


May wanna post this on reddit, deca does not really read the forums. more likly to be read by a deca employee on reddit


Good idea. Might be time to finally get a Reddit account.


wait i think i feel a meme coming on…



Ya folks being all like “Worst Update In RotMG History”

but at least Deca owns up to it and fixes it fast.

Also @Shatter, I’m pretty sure notifiers aren’t required to be in the same Realm, hence why the bot tp’s to the trench, gets the ID and butt-load of people join the solo hermit trench.


Things like this are surely the very reason to have testing and avoid all the controversy.

I can see for some content, like the Gobble God/Cube God event switch, launching it straight to Prod as a surprise, fine. But anything to do with the structure of the game, for (the mad) god’s sake test it!

The attitude of release it now, and “oh we can patch it later” is one of the worst characteristics of video games.

Please learn from these things, and changes that are going to be in the game permanently, just give the testers the chance to do their job.

On the (hotfixed) update itself:
I don’t have a massive problem with it in theory, IF there were plans to make the ‘grand events’ not die in seconds (buffable like GK/ent/lich is a straightforward option, so soloers wouldn’t find them impossible, but 85/85 gets a more-than-5-second event).

@Shatter, re. LDjinn, the long run from the beach, and guarantee that the LDjinn is on the edge of godlands, I’m finding gives me ample time to call/arrive at a good call, and TP to whoever is running to it, being safe in 24sqr killzone. Or, if I have rivals running around searching, it’s a bit of meta to try and not let them outsmart me. Making this a little different/unique/challenging from the other quests that are merely see-it-spawn tp-to-it kill-it.


wait, what restrictions?


The Thanksgiving Update included a really bad feature where if you weren’t within 24 tiles of the dying enemy who dropped a dungeon, you couldn’t enter.


  • Jinxere is 25 tiles away from Medusa.
  • UnicornSla kills Medusa, who drops abyss.
  • Jinxere can’t go in abyss ;-;

But if Jinxere was 23 tiles away from Medusa, he can go in.


Ok! Thanks for the funny explanation <3


I was playing in a realm in USEast late last night, I was one of two people in the entire realm for about 15 minutes straight when i noticed that the Hermit had spawned. I call 1 guild mate to join, this brings the number of people up to 3 now. We proceed to kill the Hermit God and enter the Ocean Trench portal(still 3 of us), but upon loading into the dungeon, what do you know? about 5-8 new people that never even entered the realm are now in the Ocean Trench with us. You didn’t fix anything with a teleport timer for switching servers, you didn’t fix anything by changing the stipulations on which players can enter the portal, you simply just inconvenienced players by implementing a nuisance to fix nothing.


I noticed this happen too. This was a severely disappointing update.


The best part was that they were white/yellow stars, not that your star necessarily matters, but its the quickest way to view experience and judge their skill level. Very disappointing indeed.


bring shame to us white stars


Isn’t that the truth, and the player in particular carries himself as though he’s better than everyone else, when in reality i value a 1 star player that doesn’t hack more than him lmao


my 1000 alts are more valuable. :slight_smile:


hell yeah they are, you can look in my realmeye description if you care to know who it was, I won’t say names on here though, not necessary.


hmm, interesting, i dont particularly care much for hunting down hackers… too much work…


I agree, I only made the decision to expose him because of the way he treats other players in general, which is incredibly negative.