Hovering over quests/bounties no longer shows more info [New Quest Marker]



It used to show the “quest” icon (later “bounty”) with the quest name, but it’s broken now.



turns out not a bug but a feature so it’s just a poo post now


Still we can talk about whether people like it or not.

On one hand I like how it doesn’t interfere in a fight but there are also times where I forget a boss’ name and would like to know…lol


don’t panic! that’s not a bug.


omg thats so cute


Sometimes I play in outdoor areas where I can’t use a mouse (like in the courtyard outside my school) I set my controls so that I can place the cursor in front of my character and use screen turning to aim and auto fire toggle to fire. When my cursor passes over the icon and it expands to show the name, the quest window gets stuck and blocks the view of where I’m aiming no matter where I turn, so this is a great “fix” for me personally.


Omfg thats how i played years ago when i didnt have a mouse and all i had was a laptop. Got my first 6/8 over 4 years back like that


not even a toggle?


Changed title for clarification


I love this change. It honestly was the highlight of this patch for me!
[Edit: link to patch notes for reverse linking purposes.]

Fighting long range (eg vs O2) used to be annoying as moving the mouse in the ‘wrong’ place would activate the hover function and you had to waggle the cursor around to get rid of it.

Then Deca altered it when the new animation for it was brought in and it became HELLA annoying because every time you’d move in and out of sight of the enemy ZoooOM the quest thing animated, as well as the pre-existing hover thing. This was awful for fighting at long range.

Now this latest change, the mouse has no interaction with the quest marker at all. Good. It also doesn’t animate at all. Also good.

There is a minor negative that it’s no longer possible to get the enemy name… but come on people you surely recognise each enemy by portrait?? No?


I’m a fan of this as well, this really bugged me before. This thing would get in the way of trying to click and fire, as well as seeing the enemies once they’re in range. A place that this bothered me (besides Oryx which nevov pointed out) was in lods for the dragons.



That was annoying


Yeah, I’ve soloed Cult a few times without the mouse. :mlg: :thuglife: :wink:


This is officially the second best thing DECA has done! First is fighting multiboxing because that was awful.


I absolutely love it. The portrait has messed me up so many times in a fight, and I’ve just had to grin and bear it. Now it’s gone, and I’m happy.

The lack of names is a non issue though, with enemy dialog, character deaths, and the wiki available.


I thought you were green. :sob:


Its spooktober.


Even if you didnt know the enemy by the portrait, you could either just look at it speaking, or if you cant teleport because you switched servers you might as well look up its name, because what else do you plan on doing?


I’m on the fence about it.
On one hand, Defender becomes less of a whooshy hassle to aim at.
On the other, it doesn’t show you the name of the enemy, which I really enjoyed, since it gave you some idea of what you’d be facing.

Of course, a toggle is the best middle road. On by default to help new players, of course.


Halloween season :wink: .