How Can I create dungeon maps?


yes please. Although i finally learned how to use it from youtube videos.

but that would be cool.

do a ytube video, your voice sounds nice.


idk about that…
we shall see :slight_smile:


Wait, there’s a program for this stuff? Huh, I’ve been using discount photoshop this entire time.


Wow… here I used to think Gimp was the discount Ps D:


Gimp and are the discount PS’s, while Snipping Tool + MS Paint are the discount versions of those two.


I guess that makes the quality of my dungeons even greater then. :grinning:



doesn’t this should be in academy?


Just in case you haven’t seen the guide yet, here it is:


he has xD


Ah right, he commented. Nevermind then.


Question answered, consider closing @moderators?


afaik the only take clsoing requests from the op or close if the op nukes or the thread derailed.


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