How can I support the forums?


I hate ads with a burning passion. I have all ads disabled on every website including realmeye, and I simply won’t disable it.

I know the site runs off ad revenue, and while I support realmeye I don’t support ads…

Is there a way I can financially support realmeye? A link where I can donate through paypal or crypto???

I know you can donate somehow cause realmeye has a donater list. I just wanna support realmeye, but without the ads…


I don’t know if you’ve checked the donator list but no one has donated in 6 years. Chances are you’re six years too late but this one is beyond me. Probably best for someone like a leader to answer this one as they know much more to donating.



I don’t think RE devs are even willing to take donations.


No we don’t


As someone who donated… I still get ads. Gl.


Yea I understand that part…

Im just saying I DONT see ads, therefore they’re not getting the revenue from it, and I feel bad for doing so cause I love realmeye cause it’s been such a helpful honest and loyal tool/asset to the community.

I’d like to financially support them, but I just can’t bare to have ads all over the place. So I’d rather donate like 100 usd paypal so I don’t feel guilty about using ad blocker…Any other site idc, but realmeye is a different story and has a place in my heart : ))


There is only one small ad and no obnoxious stuff like popups or so on the site, so whitelisting RE shouldn’t really make a difference.


The question is how strong your love :heart_eyes: for the site has to become to outshine :sunny: your refusal to view the ads :nauseated_face:.

You can support the forum and the site indirectly by encouraging its use among other players, therefore increasing traffic and views of the ads, even though it’s not your eyeballs seeing them. Talk about it in-game, if you see new players asking about things, direct them to the wiki or the trading pages. Maybe create some things via the #community-hub:player-events and advertise them in-game. Etc.

There could be simple reasons why they’ve (RealmEye) maintained a non-donation approach after the launch, could even be whatever they’ve agreed as terms of operation with Deca, presuming they have such a thing, actually bars them from accepting direct money. Or not. It could be just for their own principled reasons. Or maybe, like whoever it was at Deca that said it one time, they are actually doing okay for money already.


Mreyeball is loaded. he doesn’t need your money, only your undying loyalty to this site.


He wants to support realmeye without looking at ads


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