How do you identify that someone is using a client?


Hey guys,
There’s a lot that people that use clients in the game and I was wondering what the best method of identifying whether someone is being assisted to play the game, anti debuffs are pretty easy to spot but apart from that what are some methods of identifying if someone is breaking the ToS? Of course being apart of the realm community you always hear someone accusing someonelse of hacks this that or the other but are they really? and what can you do to determine if they are without just blatantly asking them if they do.


I would say debuff immunity, instant trade accepts, and loot call outs as soon as the boss dies are the best ways to see if someone uses a client.


you are aware of the x-walk glitch?

but yeah definitely the other ones are suss!


That’s true, forgot about that.
Funny thing is, I saw some video about it earlier. Disregard that one.


Debuffs is a hard thing to tell, besides unstable.

auto aim takes a bit of stalking and you can easily notice if the shots only start and stop when a person gets in range or if the player shoots at everything it passes well rushing to a event. Some people say it’s hard to prove but i disagree with the right eye you will never mix up tool assisted aiming and legit play. It is incredibly easy to see.

auto nexus, you can never really have full proof but comon it’s pretty easy to see

reconnect is super easy simply enter oryx castle type /who

you then will get

#1, #2, #3, #4

do it again someone may of gone to change characters so they are no longer there, type it again

#1, #3, #4

they then reconnect and are now listed last. type /who again

#1, #3, #4, #2

after that you have hard proof that #2 has a hacked client.

reconnect 2 lock people you are suspicous of if you see them enter a portal dissapear and then return very shorlty after there is no way they could have made it back to the portal at that speed.

or if they return after the portal has for sure timed out

if someone is last seen in a server other then the server they are in either mreyeball was missing at the time or they cheat

trades if someone accepts before possible, they hack. Make sure to not click off the screen as this will reset you timer and not theirs and can lead to false accusations

x walk/noclip both are bannable so no reason to seperate them if you see someone moving in a block, they hack. if they are not moving they most likely lagged there and do not hack

projectile noclip another easy one mostly seen in the shatters, you will see damage on enimies when they are behind a wall, easy to figure out who it is via damage. For instance a dbow is the easiest you’ll see high damage and low rate.

sprite world if you see someone standing on moving platforms while not moving for a decent amount of time and are attacking therefore you will not be mixing this up with lag , they hack

people posting screen shots alot of silly people will post a screenshot to reddit/here and forget a few things about the client they are using.

for one this shadow along the side of the UI is not present in alot of clients

another commonly looked past one is the loading message



and another being their MP bar (i think they forget it’s part of the client)

found a new one, someone in ou discord posted a picture of him self with this hack i’ve never seen. He got kicked from his guild.

orange bar is the invincibility time

98% of the time they lie, there is little point unless you’re like me and traktion, dislike liars not necessarily cheaters.

here’s a nice list

Traktion recently separated the ones with proof from the ones without proof for ease

Hacking [is it a priority for Deca?]
Catching Hackers Tips
How To Identify a Hacker

very logical methods! the /who command can come in handy
cheers :slight_smile:
could you further have input onto this theory that when looking for debuffs does the hit register regarding the on hit sound of the character visually co-responds to them obtaining lets say a weaken from a messy tomb regardless of latency? hence you would be able to listen for sounds of them being hit but not weakened?

you’d be surprised with the mentality that ASE can hold, but yeah possibly on other servers they tend to be a bit more sneaky about it


sorry I don’t actually no that, I play with all sound off but I do know I see tons of false accusations because people are like “welp he got hit on my screen and didint get debuffed so he must hack”

when almost all of the time they did not get hit on their screen as for sound, that would need testing or confirmation from another.

unstable how ever is really funny when people stand infront of a grandpa to block for others and then don’t get debuffed and then soon get disconnected


Nah they ain’t sneaky, they’ll hack right in front of you then lie to your face :stuck_out_tongue:

I do come across the rare few that st right up admit to it when i see them. those are the ones that I take no action on, I like honest people.


Just out of curiosity, how is x-walking bannable? Never really knew how it worked in the first place as well. Just heard you could use it to get to places you normally couldn’t.


never heard the term Xwalking before. not sure what it is


You click and hold the cross-box for your window while moving, then drag your mouse off the cross-box while still holding the mouse button. When you’re doing this it won’t load things such as lava and some walls. Called x walking because the x for the window close button thingo.


The definitive guide is, naturally, HeroMax’s


it’s an exploit and exploits are bannable. Neo got banned for it


funny thing i have video of several guilds doing it O_o


^^^^Glad they are banning people for using it. I hate it when people claim innocence about an exploit.


Why isn’t Swatsec on here? Guess he’s not a hacker :neutral_face:


the real question is why arnt you on it :wink: i’ll go ahead and add that


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