How many event whites did you get this event?


I am interested to see what event whites people have got during this 2x event and how many?
I got ogmur, oreo, vile, kageboshi, tablet, and 2 rays.

MotMG 2019 Discussion Megathread

0 in 0 hours of playing


Crystal sword.


1 qot out of 3 days




Qot, tablet, kage

Should this belong in Community Hub?

[Edit: yes, is moved there now. -Nevov]


2 quivers of thunder, a kageboshi and a tablet. I don’t get how some people can grind for 15+ event whites.



oreo, ogmur, 2x qot, vile, 2x tablet, conflict, jugg


please leave some for the rest of us :((


bloody ogmur and tablet


amazing 0


I got nothing in the first two days so I said fuck that and got an mseal in my first lost halls chest.


didn’t play, so nothing


0 in like 10 hours


An event, you say? Interesting.


Jugg and thats it


Oreo, Tablet.



in my 4k hours of in game time over around 6,5 years, i had 1 conflict 2 tablets and 2 qots and an ogmur from ice cave and 2 oreos, you get more than that in a week


Vile trap and cdirk