How much 8/8s did you lost?


How much 8/8s did you lost?

at 315 atm.


Not here…


I’m at 41, myself. With another 18 if you include 6/8 and 7/8 characters. In total Realmeye sees 200 graves, but only tracks back to 2015.


71 :pensive:


14… lmao 10 of which are to o3, 1 to leuc, the other 3 sloppy deaths elsewhere





Most were from my Samu during the Exaltation process. Except I have another kind of 8/8 which died with Tablet when raiding Encore.


I’m actually so good at the game, I’ve never lost an 8/8.

Hopefully I’ll get one soon!


Only lost 1 technically cause everything else was suicided.

Like I always say… I never die.






Only 19, to my own surprise!
The first 8/8 I lost was a throwaway Ninja, back when I still did Discord runs; the second one was the result of overspawning bees at the Nest Encounter.

Less surprisingly, the majority of those deaths are from 2020 :>


also over 1/4th of these deaths were paladins (26/71)


dying is hard


12 becuase most of the time ive played this game I couldnt max anything besides atk on knight.


Gonna post my dumbest

Was the rl lol

rushing 3 much scarier then 3d itself

Never again. cdepths also scary

rushing pup but I’m incompetent

I’m a special little snowflake

a very special little snowflake

How this happened is still a mystery, even today


stupidest death?



About what I expected.

Never afk in UDLs. :frowning:
