How to counter Heimerdinger from League of Legends with Teemo


My “friend” wants me to 1v1 him with him being Heimerdinger and me as Teemo.
So far, i have no idea how to counter Heimerdinger. And if I will, I’ll get the Beemo for skin Teemo.
Please don’t kill me for doing this on realmeye. Send help. All the stuff I looked at looks sketchier than hell. (Of course Realmeye’s going be sketchier than sketchy, but how the hell cares)



Ban Heimer ofc

Here I don’t play teemo or heimer, but with a majority of dongers taking Aery, you can blind him to avoid his Aa + aery. You do a lot more dmg early too, since your E ticks do more damage than his little turrets.


Too lazy to edit my first post

Something something harass him early with E max

Is this Rift or Howling Abyss


This is Rift, I need to add this shit


Yeah good luck with that pal…

Also why does you friend get to choose who plays what?


Yeah not much you can do vs heimer as teemo, you might want to just try and pick a different champion


Heimer can do sum gud shit :

  • stuns you using the blue thingy (skillshot)
  • builds super annoying turrets
  • send some weird thing that shoots 5 (skillshot)
  • lets build a giant turret :smiley: (ult)


  • turns invisible; stealth
  • runs fast.
  • poison thing that blinds you (no auto)
    *mushroom. (ult)

See, Most of Teemo’s skills are not skillshot, meaning that they are impossible to dodge.
Heimer, on the other hand, have all of it’s skills being skillshot or building a turret. Which means if you can dodge his skills and stay out of the turret’s range, it is fairly easy.

First : heimers will try to push hard with lanes at the beginning. When you try to push back/get CS, he will either stun and combo you, or just trade HP with his turrets. If he tries to stun, you have to dodge it. Tanking all this skills is nearly impossible on Teemo. After you dodge his stun, it’s easy to dodge the others too. Just land few autos and you will be fine.
When he tries to just farm with turrets, attack turrets that are attacking the minion first. make sure you aren’t running into 2 turret’s range at once, or heimer can come and stun you, dealing massive damage with turret AND his skillshot.

What to be really careful is : do not let him farm CS. Whenever you have a chance, land one or two auto attack on him. Push him a little when you need to. you also have to make sure you are getting some CS too.

After lv6, Set up a minefield whenever he recalls/roams/out of lane. Try to set them in places where you think minions won’t run into but he would. This helps a lot with trading.

I’d say either pick PTA if you are confident of combo-ing him, or arcane comet for extra damage, or some cases, electrocute. You will build AP and AS on teemo, and you should try to deal much damage as you can.

Well, I never played Teemo nor Heimer, so don’t really rely on me.


Play an ARURF and place mushrooms EVERYWHERE


yeah, thanks, but wtf do i do b4 i has de mushrooms


I have no idea tbh


farm until duskblade okie
blind dart
stand still and dont aa or anything to turn invis
attacc when duskblade buff is ready


The blind will only affect heimer’s autos tho, he can still land his stun during the animation of teemo’s q and then you’re fucked because after 1 stun he can insta kill you with an r rocket, it’s just a bad match up and unless the heimer sucks, he won’t be able to get anywhere


take flash ingnite and whatever does the most damage
then do all in at lvl 1


Heimer has 3 turrets at level 1 and usually takes barrier as a summoner, teemo’s all in potential sucks at level 1 with his q, and e is even worse


so… I’m basically fucked for this. Damn. I wanted that Beemo


Lol yeah pretty much. If you absolutely have to go Teemo, then probably the only viable strategy would be to go bruiser: you get a frozen mallet, spirit visage for that thicc mr (maybe even throw in a botrk for the sustain along with the visage), liandry’s, rod of ages, you get the gist of it. You probably will lose no matter what but this seems like the only way you can go for a chance at anything


Well! I just discovered that he best at Heimerdinger aka bad t it. I decent at teemo. Bees


@mrunibro it appears your subtle subconscious mental conditioning has finally begun working.


Thonking wtf is this


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