How to do the new statues event


It’s quite simple, when it flashes red, get the heck away from them as that’s when they jump on you. All the other phases are relatively easy, and if I can do them easily on knight against an unstunnable event, it’s probably pretty easy for other classes. The minions are really more annoying than anything and should be killed as they limit your healing capabilities by inflicting pet stasis.
Note: They will chase after you and clip through the trees in the side of the setpiece, gave me a heart attack tbh.


Yes, also the statues only follow for a short distance away from their setpiece, so you can stand outside of that range (easy with dbow, staff, or wand) and then shoot into them. Just make sure you have the right distance.


When people don’t listen. DOUBLE KILL (8/8 death lol)


Lol, I saw a 8/8 get popped by it.


{Moved to the Academy -Guides -SW2}


I dunno.

There are two other enemies that come to mind when I think of these new statues: the Ice Sphere and Gigacorn.

Since Gigacorn killed my elderly old wizard, I’m heavily biased but I certainly don’t think that’s it’s incompetency rather than idiocy. Yeah, I knew exactly how it moved but cockiness along with a bit of lag meant a nice RIP.

Same thing applies Ice Spheres. By now, most Shatters players know exactly when the Ice Spheres jump, but people still die because of (a) the speed that they jump, (b) lag or © pure stupidity.

It’s worse that the statues are immune to stun and paralyze - at least you can stun/paralyze Ice Spheres and Gigacorns.


speaking on statues, i tp to this guy and gets intsa’d by one of em :joy:




its op i died on 8/8 pally before


i personally don’t. the temple only seems to drop at a 10% rate, many more people do the event than can fit in the dungeon in the first place (which is fucked up aint it) the statues grab 8/8s and rip out their hearts, they have a very rare chance of dropping def, and the temple itself which is basically an epic mad lab with a s t h e t i c drops almost nothing of value except for the ut wand and it’s not even fully released.

so basically


x2 is no good


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