How to find enjoyment in realm?


After I lost my first 8/8(priest in void) things kind of started spiraling down. I was putting higher tiered items on low level or 0/8 chars because I wanted to progress faster to 8/8, which almost always resulted in me losing high value items in stupid or reckless ways. On the off chance I do get a higher level character, I would exclusively do discord raids, which are frankly boring. No hate to rls, but the repetitive aspect just didn’t cut it for me.
I’m tired of rebuilding only to lose it all in a matter of days. I could use tiered items, but I don’t already have a large wealth pool and don’t really want to sit in the trading server for an hour trying to sell rainbow pots for glife.

After the 8/8 died I’ve been trying to replicate it, and it basically never works. I’ve gotten so used to the healing aspect of priest everything else seems way to underpowered or weak. Melee classes are not my style, because I hate getting in really close. The only way to combat that is the csword, which is basically a joke of a sword at this point.

After losing 8/8 priest I’ve been trying to rebuild it and having no success leading to a net loss in items and motivation.


Firstly, I strongly do not recommend you to use high-value UT/ST’s for leveling as it is really risky. I saw ppl made the similar mistakes as you. If you want to level up fast with little risk, I recommend you using old/WC tops.

It’s fine man, I myself today just faced a crazy chain death when Exalting my Samu. If you can’t keep going, park yourself from Discord raiding and remax your character.

It’s… not hard to get GLives now than before. Like you can sell 3 Wis/Vit for 1 GLife and buy a WC top easily.

But for me, I hate the current in-game economy with passion as a late-2019 player. Getting GLives that easily tells me that my efforts is obsolete…

I would aim for Necro to remax your Priest as he can heal quite well regardless his Wis is potted or not.

It is tricky to handle melee when their Defence is not potted.

Alternatively, hit me up so I can help when me and you have spare time.


The thing that kept me going when I was at your stage (looking at your pet and number of chars) was being able to self max. By which I mean I could always start on a new char with no gear, level it up then start potting it up, without pots or gear I’ve saved/stored.

The classes I would use for this are Sorcerer, Assassin and Rogue. Sorc and 'Sin you can rely on your ability to do damage from range, while you are too weak, slow or lacking in DPS to get in close. So you can run around godlands collecting pots, doing dungeons as they come up for further pots and gear. Rogue with a good enough pet you can do the same but getting close while cloaked to do damage, dodging into dungeons while cloaked and rushing them.

Key to this is I could play them all with tiered gear, and with pretty much any gear until I found better, though if I needed I could do dungeons to get at least t4/t10. As I maxed stats I could use the surplus to top up other chars, store any gear they could use, and pretty soon I had them to the point where they were playable too.

If I were doing it now I would probably not use Assassin, as it came out badly from the Vital Combat overhaul. It has low VIT and low to average DEF, and no way to avoid being shot at, so spends a lot of time In Combat, requiring downtime to get HP and MP recovery back. This is especially bad when you are relyiing on your MP to do damage.


You had a 8/8 priest, which means you got there yourself, which means you can do it again.
If you really like priest, then play priest.
My suggestion would be to have 2 slots be priest so that if one dies you can get straight back in the game.
Also just try playing in a populated server with discord turned off, it’s far more enjoyable and you get easy phatt dungeon clears. Which priests need due to poop dps.


From past experiences in Rotmg, playing with a friend (or really anybody else) is a good way to, well, play the game. It’s fun because you’re not by yourself, and if one of you die you can laugh at each other, and it’s pretty pog when one of you gets a white.

If you look in my graveyard, there’s a 6/8 rogue that suicided in lava. I remember playing with my friend during that time. We both didn’t have any skins so we just used the cloth that the angelic bard st event gave us. I remember he got dueling daggers, and this was before it got buffed, so we both laughed and said it was a shitty version of an item from the private server we came from.

Unfortunately he didn’t have his own computer and played on the school issued computer, which he had to return at the end of the year. Haven’t really talked to him since.

If you’re losing items from rebuilding, then you should do PPE. PPE is highly profitable, unless you’re supremely unlucky. I remember when I first came back to the game on 2020. Got a dbow reskin in an alen dunegon on my huntress ppe. Pretty pog, and after that huntress came a bunch more 2k death fame chars (although I fell off a bit and quit again).

Anyways, my discord is written on this forum’s account’s profile. You can also just go into any rotmg discord and type @baconsm and I’ll maybepop up. I can help you max or whatever the fuck that you need, and I don’t really have a need for tradable goods, so I’ll give you some WC tops and Glife and whatever.


I can understand how you feel (exalting att is pain incarnate because rl’s are boring af) so I’d say try to do pub runs. They’re a lot more difficult, but I mean its a lot less repetitive since there’s actual skill in doing pub runs compared to disc runs. Sure, they’re less efficient for exaltations, but if its the repetition that’s the problem, then I’d suggest trying out pub runs.

pub o3s are the most fun I’ve had in realm in a while, in fact if someone wants to organize one, I have a shield and sword rune!


I am assuming you have at least 2 character slots. A trick I learned is getting all character slots to lvl 20. After that I dedicate 1 character to farm up pots. I then give those pots to the main character and splitting them with other chars too if I have another slot. Finally I 8/8 the farming character with the 8/8s I maxed.


a trick I learned is to play Hipster. if you play this class you will never die and bring many whitebags to ur acct.


I like hipster except I don’t know why I like warrior rushing better. Also it feels super squishy before you have def maxed. Even though it’s the same with every class I need to wasd better.


Necro and Pally are imo some of the best self maxing characters, Paladin especially. If you want to get into organized raiding and grind for loots, I found maxing att and dex on knight is SUPER easy and lets you meet requirements for discords easily.

A tip for knight in godlands is to bait gods in front of a rock, stand behind the rock or tree or whatever so their shots cant hit you, and stun them (because your stun shot goes through it). Then you can smash them with the sword.


Id say if you keep finding yourself dying, follow a tried and true rule I stole from Talwar: Stop playing for the day after a death. Not only does a death cost progress, it leaves you, at best irked, at worst fuming. Continuing to play at that point will leave you more sloppy with your playing due to frustrations, which can easily snowball.

As for maxing, definently ask around for people to farm with! I know 2 people in the thread at least have already said theyll help if availible, and I can too. Bacon’s point of running ppes also holds somewhat true if you are low on items. With a bit of luck they can really get a ball rolling, and when they max out the spares can go into other characters to build if you arent rocking several ppes at once.

Honestly, this game is an interesting one, but its one that breaks are well-needed from. Right after the christmas event ended, or after the first easter campaign this year, I dropped the game for a few weeks, and when I came back, I felt much better about it (Still a bit sad I missed the incu mace bp, but whatever).


Just dodge lmao.


ik man but those insta max candies are so nice aka I have built enough maxed dudes to keep me up


i would only use the candies if you can max your own characters to 8/8 the old fashioned way.

Using candies for instant gratification and losing your character 8/8 because you do not have any experience… pretty unpog


make it your priority to escape this game

run while you still can


I started having consistent 8/8s when I candied a knight and farmed the others to 8/8


I can 8/8 any character from scratch. just good at games.


I can’t so beat it. I get bored of glands after 1 hour


skill issue tbh


no, priority issue :smiley: