How to get exalt on chromebook


Does anyone know what you can use to instal exalt on a chromebook?


The web version of Exalt that you download as a standalone application? I don’t think you can. You could try getting Linux on the Chromebook, but you need something like Chrx or Crouton, and then (trust me on this) that’s when it becomes a huge hassle.

The best method would probably be getting Wine through Developer Mode, getting Steam with Wine, then using Steam to get Exalt. To get to Developer Mode, turn off your ChromeBook, hold Esc + F3 + Power, then release Power. Something should pop up on your screen Here, and that’s when you do Ctrl+D. Then you have to wait for a bit (it took around five minutes for me, but it fluctuates). Note that getting to Developer Mode can vary between different types of Chromebooks.

Be warned, however, that entering Developer Mode will take all of your files and yeetus deletus them. You can save your stuff on something like an external storage or Google Drive (what I used). If you haven’t gotten the message yet, it’s a pain, and the procedure’s likely to be messed up at some point. If you don’t know what you’re doing, a lot of stuff can be damaged, and it’s very hard to revert anything negative that happens.
learned that the hard way xD

I use a 5th Gen Acer, if that helps.


I don’t think you can. IIRC you can install a Linux distro in Chromebooks. The problem is that the Exalt client is only available on Windows(64 bit) and Mac. You could try to run it through Wine, but people have reported that’s even worse than the Flash client. That means you’re SOL until they either port the client to Linux, or you buy a Windows machine.

That client was the only reason to why I switched back to this dreaded Windows. I miss you, Xubuntu…


You buy a real computer. Otherwise you can try the Linux method but it’s not worth the hassle.


Don’t be that guy, please.


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