How to get Respect/Riches without spending money?


this, 100%
Luck also has to do with, well, everything. I was fortunate enough to have a Legendary Egg drop early on, and fed it UTs I never used or that I was overfilling with (DBlade, Prots, etc). Don’t mimic what you see everyone else doing, because as you mentioned, there is an imbalance b/w beginners/veterans --you can’t do what the guy with the OP pet is doing and mindlessly rush.

Oh, and I still use the age-old, and unfortunately forgotten, art of in-game trading (You can thank P2W content for that). Do Ceme’s, labs, etc, and sell the items you loot for pots.


I’m good at bullet-hell games… Any “uber-rich person” here?

######fre itenz pl0x


Just because its in a language you dont understand, it doesnt mean you should flag it, you can easily find a converter for that


Thank you.


Pretty much an npe.

so, work on dodging and building skill above all else.


im not rich so I can’t really answer…

Moved to Q&A


Reality Check: If you had to run it through a converter to write it, nobody wants to have to run it through a converter to read it. Making your posts hard to read just ensures that few will bother to read them.


I may not be respected but I am appreciated :smiley:


These posts are completely relevant and appreciated :smiley:


Im assuming that’s sarcasm… pls explain because explaining is greatly


If people would write a conversion here in basque, it would be read by fewer people too and it wouldnt get flagged.


Pika pi. pika pikachu pika pi. (This is getting off topic t.t)

See where you would be without a translator? And I typed out the sentence after translating it to pika speech!
[Please don’t ban me OB <3, CS]

[I wouldn’t dream of it, Candy-Shii. OB]

Real talk: If you translate it to another language just so people have to translate it back to English, it’s a waste of their time.


Of course it is stupid, but I’m only saying that it shouldnt be flagged.


Couldn’t find anything about converting languages, but found this c:

Edit: Ok clarifying, I don’t think it should be flagged but it’s a waste of people’s time to convert it.


The forum rules and guidelines should include avoiding ¨Douche Baggery.¨

EDIT: Is spending money a must to not have the game become super grindy?


just noticed all those binary post where flagged anyways :sunny: :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, in some cases yes. However, with the addition of the daily rewards, you can get vault chests and chars for free. That should help a lot. Also, uncommon mystery eggs.


I’ll go off-topic for a second.

The amount of 0101 and flagged posts made me laugh.


[On the other hand, I was not amused. OB]


and that mod note made me laugh!

@OtherBill <3


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