How To Identify a Hacker


I’ve seen a lot of poeple in game asking;
‘‘How do I identify a hacker’’
‘‘What can hackers do’’
‘‘Why can a hacker do this’’

Here is a fail free method on the identification of hackers.

  • AutoAim

If you suspect a hacker, follow them around in the GodLands and turn projectiles on. Should be pretty obvious if they are using AutoAim.

  • Trading

If you trade with someone, and they accept the trade before the timer fulfills, they are a hacker.

  • Reconnecting to the realm

If a hacker were to disconnect or AutoNexus when the realm is closed, they can reconnect to the realm. The way to identify this, is to lock the person you suspect is cheating and to follow them around. If they DC or autonexus they will be gone of course. Then if they reappear, you know they hack.

  • Automatic response messages.

You are in a cemetery/ocean trench/LoD. If the person that gives out the call’s message starts with a capital letter, chances are that they hack. Because no one will start off their message with a capital letter, when they want to call out the message ASAP.

  • AutoPot

When a player barely reaches a pot bag and it dissappears, chances are that the cheater has AutoPot enabled.

  • Loot Peeking

When a white bag reaches the ground and the players shouts ‘‘LBOW’’ before they even reach the bag.

  • Inactive when a new update is out

A hacker doesn’t usually play when a new update is out, because the new hacked client isn’t out yet. They’ll tell you they don’t feel like playing right now.

When should you be suspicious?

  • When you think you saw someone AutoNexus
  • When you see a light blue star with a super good set, chances are they hack, unless they are NPE like @Trash here c: , or you know they have a main.
  • When you think they hack just in general

What to do?

  1. Carry out the test above
  2. If they fit at least 2 of the descriptions, they are 100% a hacker
  3. /t mreyeball tag cheater [player name]
  4. since most guilds are intollerant for hackers, tell you guildies to tag them as cheaters as well.


I hope that I helped quench your suspicions :slight_smile:
Thanks @Diamondest for some suggestions.


Address autopotting, autolooting, saying ‘white’ before anybody could actually see the bag, not playing precisely when clients updated (they’ll say, i dont feel like it or something), and unnatural proficency at confuse controls


The server weirdly prioritizes updating chats over player positions so this is not a reliable indicator. This is also why sometimes your tp brings you to your target’s “future location”.


Except the enemy only drop 1 white bag item.

They can also know other player inventory without trading.


I like this, but:

Some people just like maintaining correct grammar, so this doesn’t seem like the most accurate test. Certainly one you’d want evidence in other categories to support.

I was about to say this was a bad example since lbow is the only woodlands white, but I checked right before I posted and yeah what the shit, I always assumed the blue waki dropped from the reef for some reason, no idea why. Anyway, my new counter-point here is that, like me just then, at least a few people calling “LBOW” on a woodlands white don’t know that it’s not the only one nowadays.

My only point is just to say, pretty please don’t make your entire guild tag an innocent player as a cheater if they only show one of these things. Just take your time and wait for them to slip up on two, as Fluffy says at the end.


Wlab drops 2 whites now


I guess macros just don’t exist then lol.


Right, so I’m a hacker now because I use proper grammar.

Your logic makes perfect sense.


I said ‘‘chances’’


Whenever i use my kongregate account it always bypasses the trade cooldown


What if they went into dungeon? :confused:


It says follow them


Well, sometimes it might be true. Or just Do’oh appears like to me Cx


Out dated but relevant


If you have to say “chances are” take it off the list.


Btw, adding Ignoring ice + push will be good too. I found multiple people with this. Especially during ice tomb event.


Event whites



Half of these are just pure BS.

It’s actually not that easy to tell; AutoAim is sort of… like… very error-prone people, since they don’t have a good idea of movements (as far as I know, they assume things never accelerate).

Actually, no. Rarely no but still. I’ve seen this type of “hacking” when I trade with my mules sometimes.

You can just TP then dungeon, you know… which you can’t follow or check if they’re hacking or anything…?

I don’t know what in the world you think of other players… but not everyone is incompetent at pressing the SHIFT key. Also, macros and the likes. Which I don’t think is hacking?

Probably, but no. I have picked up items from bags very quickly too; I just keep my mouse over the first square to double-click.

Server delay, especially during lag. And also, people call whatever the heck they want…Someone calling OGMUR in a WLab isn’t a hacker.

Inactivity may coincide with updates, but you cannot blame them for that. Sure, if they play consistently every day and every update, they are inactive, that’s pretty suspicious. Otherwise, really no.

… I had a super good set as a light blue star several years ago… I merched most of it and got lucky once.

No. Just no.


Pretty sure deca got rid of this a while back but maybe it’s still there. Definitely something to watch out for.

Definitely not enough evidence to file a report, but you might want to keep an eye on players who may have an autoresponse.

Same situation with the autoresponse.

Remember if only one white drops from the dungeon it’s pretty normal to call out the white first. Even if more than one white bag drops, it is still not conclusive evidence.

By the above criteria, I’m guessing.

This is 100% not true. I can respond with “Ready” in a cemetery and be quick on my feet/have good internet to pick up health/mana pots first without the need for hacking. That said, players who fit more of these descriptions are suspicious and you should keep an eye out for them.

Never really understood what this does. I heard it puts a tag on your realmeye that says cheater?


My addition:
The best way to get hackers banned is with screenshots of their game or a video recording of them hacking (auto-nexusing, anti-debuff, etc etc). While most of your tips are useful in finding potential hackers, all but two (trading, autoaim) are considered conclusive evidence. That said, I think this is a really thorough guide on common hacks that anyone can be aware of.

TL;DR: Really thorough guide on identifying different hacks but it’s important to tell people what evidence they need to ban hackers.


For autolooting hp pots, you can just drop an hp pot on them, you can generally tell from that. Here’s an example: