How to not get the disease known as “deth”


Vsauce, Michael here.
As of this day, I have played this game we all love and hate for 4 years. I have made around 4 accounts (idk why) and I would say I have a lot of experience. Dying. And I wanted to teach you guys, you, how not to die.

Step one: Use real money to buy all of your items and max all your charc-
(Ignore that one^^)

Step one: as a starting class, I would suggest something like a paladin or priest, and no, don’t play necro (ew). These two classes are very safe, one with incredible range and healing, other with high dps and buffs. This will ensure you don’t die very easily.

Step two: the more your character is maxed, the harder it is for that character to die. If you don’t have 2 character slots, I would suggest making a mule or two and hoard pots there. Get a class you want to play (p a d e n) and farm away. I personally remember doing this, and while it was annoying, that’s how I got my first 1/8.

Step three: don’t sit on Septavious. Just no. I learned the hard way (rip p a d e n)

Step four: don’t use ep


Step five: always, at all times have one finger on you nexus key. I sometimes accidentally press nexus even when I have full health, butt hay, better safe than sorry.

Step six: play the knight

Step seven: play with guild members. In most big time guilds, there is a designated priest or paladin player (no necro ew) that will be in “charge” or buffing and healing. In my guild,-
Wait I got kicked? Oh
Anyways, I play paladin and heal-
Wait I died?

Well hecc

In all seriousness, the more people there is, and I’m going to put it bluntly, your not gonna die because players = meatshield. Seriously. Hide behind a wizard if you need to, because obviously Your character > Highly skilled wizard.

Step eight: don’t do dungeons out of your level. Although it might seem tempting to do an Ocean Traench at level 7, stop. Get some help.

Finale: in all honesty, dying is a very fun experience. HahahahaHAHAHAHHA (I want to fly myself into the sun)

All in all, the point of Realm isn’t to get UT’s, or max characters. It’s about enjoying arguably one of the best mmorpg to this day.
Nuff said, my job here is done


You forgot some:
Step 69: Use Hacks.
Step 666: Don’t play the game
Step 1337: Use your brain.


How could I ever forget that?


I made this meme myself pls don’t hate :wink: .


10/10 amazingu~


No one avoids death besides fame trainers

You must then prepare for death expect it but of course avoid. Don’t invest to much to where you have nothing to hoist you back up

Also set guild lines for yourself your dos and do nots



Exits fame train, dies. you are a fame trainer when you are fame training


You can’t use ep if you’re Priest or paladin… Unless… You are necro!
Also necro and paladin suck, play ninja


Wrong. Necro best class.


Necro is a bad class, since dps is underwhelming compared to paladín weapons, and EP is waaaaaay too situational. Also healing for necro requires enemies to be around.


Ninja 10/10


Necro dps < pally dps because pally is a melee. If necro dps was better than pally dps, there would be no point to playing pally.

Yes, EP is situational. However, tiered staves are generally pretty useful, so it doesn’t always have to be the go-to staff.

Yes, enemies do need to be around. This is a weakness of the necro, but is a major part of it’s ability.

Overall, good guide. I only really disagree with the necro assessment.


How is it a weakness? I think most players can deal with having to heal with gasp enemies


It isn’t really that much of a drawback for the necro. It’s just that you can’t heal yourself in safety, which some people prefer doing (I personally like this feature, but many prefer pally or priest heals for the reliability and ability to heal far from enemies).


Necro is probably one of the most underrated classes. After the buff, it is one of the better classes, having high dps, range, and healing. You don’t have to have an ep to do massive damage. The ST skull and st set in general can deal huge amounts of dps.

Lmao if there werent enemies around you wouldnt be damaged. If you arent damaged, you dont need to heal.


Just a few tips. Starting class of paladin or priest is not the best idea. Just because it heals doesn’t mean its the best for everything. Wizard, archer, or knight are all better options imo, since they deal high dps and either have range or can tank. They are the all around bests and can be used in pretty much any situation.
Step 3 is a no brainer and step 4 is inaccurate. Its not that you shouldn’t use ep, its just that you have to use it in the right times, like on a chest.
And as a tip for players who do go around hiding behind other characters, dont do it if you want repeated zeros.

And also uh, idk maybe you should follow your own guide?


(energy staff is edictum praetoris and skull is memento mori, paladin (black) has acclaim gcookie dominion armor crown)

I've fallen into the Necker side

Lol the necro part is a meme, but I do think paladin is more versatile. Ya know, Necro and paden?


Not a wise choice, holmes.
Necromancers deal really great DPS, having 75 attack and usage of staffs. EP is situational but that counts for all staff classes anyways, I’d rather have the long range. As for healing, you have the potential to heal more than a priest can WHILE dealing damage to enemies. You mean to tell me that’s underwhelming? Just learn to dodge shots, smh.