How To PPE?


now the only problem i see with this is if you are on a melee, no pots drank, soloing, what would you do if you hit a slime room. they are the most annoying thing i find. the only way i can do udls is on a ranged class.


Slime rooms aren’t as hard with melees as people make it out to be. You just have to hug the walls to rush past, and if needed go in deep and then go back. Slime rooms really aren’t that bad…


well on a max def char, they are easy. but when you only have 10 def each shot does like 50-90 damage
not to mention that you may only have 400 hp or so



  1. UDLs can give you starting gear.
  2. If other easy UTs are available (read: jungle staff which would work even at 4/8) then run those dungeons if you can
    3.If you just want to follow the absolute rules and max yourself, find a rogue to rush 25 sewers. I cannot see why not though.
    4.Depending on class you either do sprite worlds intensely first or hit the labs for def. Class dependent because a unmaxed melee/wizard can collect the mad lab loot easier, get the expo faster. When you have maxed dex run labs.
  3. Run everything else.

A healing class makes things easier, but potentially slower because the DPS tradeoff.


Basically, don’t be stupid and think you can tank all the shots. Hug the walls and run past while stunning speedy or healing. It’s not really that hard…


ppe warrior insta dies to slime

i mean if u only have 10 def they are hard



If you have 10 def, just hug the walls…
The slime’s shots don’t go very far, and if you’re hugging the walls, their shots will be behind you.

If you’re in a small room, that’s a different story.


Well, sir, first of all.
Do something tankier.
Second of all.
Get a better pet.
(Uncommon level 50 heal and mheal are you kidding me)


who me? well its hard for me to find good fp


you are clearing for equip, so just go a different direction if you dont think you can handle slimes. Edward’s advice isnt too bad either. If you have low defense, its better not to pop the slimes


Is there a PPE guide?

If there isn’t I don’t mind making one


ok so i tried doing udls, and i just got confused and ran into a slime room…just an idea to show you how much i suck at this game



My ppe ^.^


Do manors in small realms with a good char. Worked well for me and I’m on legendary. If you are at rare just buy a shit ton of abyss treasures. Good pet = Good PPE (Got to 6/8 Priest, 3/8 Pally, 2/8 Mystic, 4/8 Assassin and a couple almost max def Wizards)


everyone says manors, but its too laggy 4 me


Okay then.

Recently I made a wizard PPE and it has survived for 2 days.

Here is what you have to do.

Go to glands at lvl 10. Jump on a train. Acquire a t6 staff. Now go into a udl. Get better equips. Farm sprites with a guildie/friend until you are sure you can complete them by yourself. Acquire EP.

Do UDLs to get wis and possibly better equips. UDLs are easy to solo. Note of recommendation: Drag the blue guys out of the boss room first and then fight the boss. It becomes a little easier and less laggier.

Farm Labs. Nuff said.

Farm specific dungeons until 5/8-6/8.

Abyss should be your last dungeon because it is especially dangerous for ranged classes.

Mana: Unless you are willing to EP thessal, do cdepths instead.

Life: Do Bella’s, nuff said.

Tombs: Try to get a pyra/nile. Should be done at 6/8+, since you don’t have a divine pet.

Shatts: Don’t do pub shatts, period.


dont die


Too late, the event’s over.


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