How To Unaddictify Myself


Seriously though:

If anyone needs a break just let us know and we’ll temp-block you for whatever duration you need.


Oh yea you once offered to do that for me xD


literally gets three likes simultaneously and immediately


Seriously, can I get a 5 hour time out, I’m in school and I’m still in RealmEye.


Just tried. Looks like we can only enter whole days for the duration setting. :confused:


would this affect that no ban rule for the regs, b/c that would drive a lot of people away.


Um hey @Doc, if i want to get banned for some short while and i do, will that effect anything about my regular badge??


I thought it may but it didn’t seem to stop @ConsoleMC


Thanks Docy-wocy.


Try super smash flash 2. Easy unaddiction. Way better than this, you’ll realize after a minute of playing.


Just wait for the forums to be deleted then get crippling depression.

then come back to the forums because you are suffering from lack of shitposting


So you want him to get addicted to another game?


Like pokemon? c:


I went through that phase about 6 years ago, and I got over it in less than 2 hours. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:




pokemon is dank




maybe, just maybe, you could consider playing the game instead of talking about it.



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