
Hey guys, I have not been playing realm lately as much as I should. A combination of school and fortnite.
(I Hate fortnite…)
Anywho, I have decided to do a huge giveaway that I have been planning for a long time.

The Prize…

One whole deca ring. (Maybe two)

How to enter?

Write anything

I literally don’t care what you write about. You could write “black lives matter”(which they do) 500 times and I would consider it.

It can be creative writing, an essay, or a speech.

Obviously the more effort you put into it, the more I would consider it.

You could either pdf it here or share it with me via google doc. My email is

If a decent amount of players enter, I will give the prize away. If only one or two enter, I will not.

If many people enter, I will raise the prize, likely to two deca.

If I like the post and it is clearly not a joke, I have submitted it. (Don’t put the joke and your work in the same reply)


May 26 Not my birthday. Inside joke I guess…

Good luck everyone and please, have a safe trip…


Make it emotional
Don’t rant, don’t complain, don’t argue, DEBATE
Try to have structure.
Thanks for reading the whole thing guys!
The most liked post will get a life!
Don’t put it in a stupid font.



Does creative writing count?




Well, I’m out. This is for nerds.


Sweet. Can I write a 1000 word essay?


Does it have to be a persuasive essay or can it be a story


yes, finally somewhere to put my English skills to use


I would not consider this a giveaway


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Do I have to write an essay specifically for this, or can I just copy and paste an old essay I wrote for school?


I can tell this is your homework because you mentioned you are busy with school
You randomly come here and do a “giveaway” and you want an … essay? hmm
If this is your way of getting your shit done freely, good luck.


Yeah the rule that it must be a persuasive essay makes me very suspicious that this is for school. Also the exact word count doesn’t help me with this. Also, one deca ring is not what I would consider a “HUGE” giveaway. (Kinda clickbaity). It’s an interesting concept, but you should at least remove restrictions on the type of writing.


Plagiarism is a growing problem in today’s society. In a world where people can open thousands of documents, including other students’ work, with the click of a button, this sad reality was inevitable. As for you, ONEERKLONE, I would have thought you to be of better character rather than stooping so low as to ask us to write you an essay, which, undoubtedly, is for some class you’re taking. I would participate in this giveaway to write an essay, but I think you are trying to take advantage of us by having us write for some class assignment. Now, you might ask, how did your deftly written, covert request, almost comparable in deviousness to Metternich himself, get uncovered with such ease?

The first element of your post which jumped out at me was the revelation in your first sentence. Devastated by the loss of time playing RotMG caused by an addiction to Fortnite and possibly too much homework (which, I assure, cannot be too much since you can devote enough time to playing Fortnite), you want to find a way to reduce these impediments so you can get back to drinking those speed potions. Of course, what better way to cut down on time rather than offering one measly Deca for a 5 paragraph essay, which would take no more than 20 minutes to complete, if you truly did not care?

I tire of writing with such a pedantic nature. Instead, I will ascribe to you the remaining offenses you have done. I begin: you only will give out the prize if a multitude of victims enter. Why did this statement seize my attention as a perambulating, nocturnal cow with torches would to a Roman soldier looking for Hannibal Barca? It seems to me that you’re trying to get a quality check on your inputs. Secondly (I beseech you to forgive my inconsistencies, as I listed one reason above and have started a separate list here), you have a due date, magnificently cloaked under the disguise of your birthday. Perhaps if you had chosen a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, it could have been believable. I will say no more on this matter. Thirdly, you list a set of oddly-specific requirements, namely, you wish the masterpiece to be “emotional… [with] structure” (ONEERKLONE, 1), “at least 500 words” (ONEERKLONE, 1), and not “in a stupid font” (ONEERKLONE, 1). Overcome by ennui, I will only regard the last subject of this list, as the others simply don’t deserve attention because of their dull, earnest nature. I imagine that many benign essay-writing enthusiasts would adore getting a submission in bizarre and flamboyant fonts, such as the globally renowned Wingdings 1.

For the reasons enumerated above, I simply cannot see this “giveaway” to be of a non-dubious nature. Hopefully you will one day learn to write an essay for yourself, and feel satisfaction for it.

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My entry ppe btw lel xd

Everyone in this world has passions. Including me. Three zeals and passions, basic but immensely indomitable, have steered my life: the hunt for knowledge, the importance of trust and honesty, and the snug feeling of company.

Every human being has once thrived to gain knowledge. Nothing would’ve been achieved without it, because knowledge brings power to life. And people who have acquired knowledge have the ability to rule and become prominent over society. It also helps us build opinions and have a unique point of view.

Honesty is a voice that builds trust between individuals. Without honesty there would have been no lasting foundation in any relationship between people you adore, like your family members. People are more hurt from the concealment of truth rather than the truth itself, that is why being honest can alter trust.

As humans we want to feel loved and accepted as we thrive in this life. Good friends embrace and boost your self-esteem, therefore, friends also do motivate us and make us feel worthy, they consider and respect your opinions and point of views. Friends also share experiences with you which is a great way to reflect upon your day and learn new life skills.

Without passions, life would be meaningless as death approaches. Passions are like goals, you aim and venture to complete them. Once you complete one, another pops up. Passions make our life significant and worthwhile because you look forward to accomplish new ones.

/ Its not finished tho :3


Dang, an essay about plagarism that was plagarised


An Analysis of Kafka’s Metaphorphosis
by BiIgewater





Works Cited
Kafka, Franz, and Stanley Corngold. The Metamorphosis. Toronto: Bantam Books, 1981. Print.


写的好。可惜我的中文水平很差 :joy:


hey guys ghzd here back with another
video now it’s no shocker I’m making
this video as many of you already know
from either stalking my realm I from
time to time or via last week’s video I
have a ring of omnipotence so I thought
considering the rarity of this item I
thought I’d give you guys my thoughts as
well as showing you the actual drop


what’s so special about this item you
might be asking well I mean on the grand
scale of things it’s not really that
brilliant in anything specific what it
does outrank any other ring in game with
though is its versatility it’s
essentially the equivalent of an ammy
from 2012 in terms of its status
relatively speaking of course because we
all know what happened to Ammys anyway
the ring itself gives you buffs for
every one of the eight stats and it’s
not like a little bit here and there
they’re pretty damn solid bonuses for
them on top of this it was the first
ever item in game to have a 7% Fame
bonus well that was until they release
all the vanity items with them
overall I can’t really 'div a full
in-depth review because there isn’t
really much to say about it because of
its extreme versatility it’s great on
any class essentially not really shining
in anything specific but balances out
each of the bonuses for all of the stats
to make the best use of the ring on any
of the classes basically I’m only using
it on my knight to flex there’s no real
reason as to why since if I’m gonna be
completely honest with you I’d probably
be better off benefiting from having a
decade’s ring equipped it would be nice
to get hold of the breastplate though to
have the full god tier Knight set hmm
anyway that’s really it guys I know a
lot of you have been asking me to post
the actual drop since I wouldn’t say I’m
too close to another white bag montage
any time soon so I thought why not
before I go what’s a white bag you’ve
been trying to get your hands on I I
don’t personally I’ve been wanting to
get a conflict for a really long time
now as well as a jug but I really have
not had any luck in that department for
six years anyway I’d be like guys I hope
you enjoyed this little video good luck
hunting for whatever it is you are
searching for and I’ll be sure to catch
you in the next video



Most people do not stop to introspect about what reality really is. Usually, we use the word “reality” to mean what seems to be, or facts filtered through a biased lens. But, it seems there should be one reality. It should not be dependent on people’s perception of what reality is. Reality is not based on thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. These three elements disrupt that perceiving of reality. So, what is reality then?

In order to perceive reality in its true form, we should not add the filter of our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. Reality is simply what it is—nothing more, nothing less. It is said by science that reality is what is most fundamental, and that can be expressed through mathematics. The construction of the entirety of mathematics can be done with an empty set (The New Scientist). This nothingness, or blank sheet of existence, is reality. The state of consciousness without thought, feeling, or sensation is our original state. As long as we are injecting thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations into what we perceive, we are experiencing reality through a filter. For an example, you see a chair. If you see the chair without any thought, feeling, and physical sensation interrupting or changing how you perceive it, the chair will simply be. Without thinking that a chair is a chair (or other thoughts), or feeling something for the chair, or having a physical response to the chair, it is experienced as intended. In fact, all existence is one—the separation is made in our minds.

Because we have given names to everything we interact with, because we have classified each living and non-living being we have encountered in its minutest detail, because we have delineated specifics and aspects of each thing we study, we have created a mass concept about the separation of things. Reality is simply one existence, and that can be proven by physics, which states that no empty space is possible (The Daily Galaxy). Everything is connected, whether we like it or not. The chair that I am sitting on right now to type this essay is connected to rocks on Mars. Existence is a crowded place, but only if we conceptualize it as containing an innumerable array of entities.

Reality is whole, but it is also a place of contradictions. Though the universe is set to balance itself, it is also heading towards a state of chaos and disorder, expressed in the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Though locally we can balance ecosystems and such, on the whole, our existence is gradually becoming more and more chaotic (Philosophy Stack Exchange). However, there are theories that the universe is cyclical, and a new universe would spring up after entropy would have increased to its maximum (Princeton University). This may be only speculation, though. Even if the universe remained in disorder in the far future, we would all be a part of it. Looking back at the beginning, everything in its existence now was formed from the Big Bang—and as the famous phrase says, we are all stardust ( Each being that comprises reality carries on from the material from the Big Bang, all the way to the future maximum entropy. In essence, we are the Big Bang, and so is future existence.

From a chair to the whole universe, reality is the same. Without the injection of thoughts, feeling, and physical sensations, all reality is one. We can perceive reality in its true form by not using these injections. Can you imagine a world where people gave up their identifications? In my opinion, all the follies of human beings would be extinguished, and Earth would restore its balance, despite that in all probability, we are headed for universal disorder.

@Mynamerr darn seems like you’re getting a free life.


Honestly guys, I don’t care what it is as long as its yours and its over 500 words.

The give away is on!