I Cant Leave or get kicked from my guild! Please help


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We made this area as a way of keeping track of the problems we players experience. We believe that reddit, which Deca has designated the official home of the community, does a poor job of gathering useful information over long periods of time. A forum like this, on the other hand, is great at doing that.


I’m slightly confused.


What happens when you try to leave?
Also you should put the content in the post and not in the title


  1. Send a ticket

  2. @Geo


@Tyler I know this problem very well!
Happened twice to me

Okay so basically being a guild founder for a long time I’ve seen a few bugs here and then. What I believe you are referring to is the unable to leave/kick bug.

FOR ME <----- This Happens when I have tried to kick a member during a slow internet connection that leads to me being disconnected before the action is processed. Therefore nobody in my guild can kick/promote the player, nor can he leave without Deca’s help.

Steve and Dhayne have told me it may happen because the server doesn’t recognize a name change (wrong for both of my cases) or Deca may have personally edited their accounts in some way or form. (maybe they did, I would not know)

Personally I believe it’s a glitch involving connection and server task process, and maybe the game thinking it has already done that action. that’s how it has happened to me anyways I’m the past.

If you send deca a ticket, they will kick you from the guild so have no fear :smiley:


Realmeye Forum: 100, Reddit: 0


It is usually due to Kabam messing up name changes. Basically two accounts have the same ign because Kabam did not change the name of the inactive player when the active one requested the name change. All they did was change the active plsyers name. There are other issues such as slow connections but in most cases I’ve run into it’s due to Kabam (REEEEEE). (Sorry for the late response I rarely check forums)


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