I cant open


I can not open realm on my network please help
it just keep loading and I can play on my friend’s network wtf is this


me too man


Close all instances of the game for 5-10 minutes


Are you in a place with a firewall, like on a school computer or in the school wifi?


idk why kids play realm @ library or school, just go home…


I just check the forums in the school library (like I’m doing right now :stuck_out_tongue: ) while I’m waiting for my parents to pick me up. In less than a year, I’ll be able to drive, so that will probably all change by then.


oh i c
but not playing realm in school library
thats sketchy
the kids that do that @ my school are just weird antisocial plebs
they do it @ brunch and lunch which is not allowed and stupid

u have a legitimate reason tho :wink:


There’s a group of freshman that always hordes half of the computers, then proceeds to play Minecraft really loudly and obnoxiously ;-;


Damn, that’s the worst…

One time in high school I was in the library checking RealmEye. This dork walked up behind me, told me to type in his username and guess what he had…

1 8/8 knight

“Do you like my PPE?” :smiley:

It was really hard keeping my emotions suppressed that day… Holy shit.


I joke

All these schools with computers where you can play games, interesting. We had a playground even in higher grades and most we would go and smoke in between classes but I’m sure if we had computers avaliable to everyone people would of used them

Do people ever perhaps read in a library


Library was the only place I felt safe, the courtyard was full of loud… Ghetto people.


Get Flash 18 already.


That was a lot of my school and I was part of it though never a bully like other rváč

Damn auto correct




its the same here, except its REALM

im not part of that group btw


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