I died in game, then left, and i had all my armor [equipment] back but not xp or pots


What kind of hacks are you using lol bringing a character back to life
I will buy your whole stock


I might know what you are talking about. when I died in an Abbys a pop up appeared and said character not dead.



I checked your graveyard and it looks like you lost your backpack too but I am not sure what happened. It might have something to do with a conflict between the local save and the server but I have no clue as to what happened.


My theory is that there was a server disconnect as you died and when you died, the fame was given to your account and the backpack was consumed. But because you closed your game, when you logged back on, your character was displayed as having never died but the fame had already been transferred.


yea nice lying wierdo


You gotta chill man. Just cause we’ve never heard of the glitch before doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Plus, as noted above, there’s no good reason why he would lie.

@Tokinbud had a reason but it was a pretty bad one. If he wanted to talk about the pain of dying, he wouldn’t talk about the character being revived because he would just be being pissed over the character’s death rather then relieved over the gear he kept.

If he was RWTing as some have suggested, there’s no good reason why he would post a “glitch” here just so people could point out the obvious. Not to mention, the “huntress set” he’s talking about isn’t even that impressive and there’s no good reason to RWT at such an early point of the game.


Well I have experienced a gflithc where I nexus with a sliver of health and can’t load, close game and come back to them dead


That’s common though :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah lol


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