I don't know what to call this thread [Image] [FanArt]


Bloody genius!




I wanted to write down that text onto the image but I wasnā€™t sure about the font xwx

But that looks great xD

Working on something else fyi


ā€œWhere oryx is a business manā€ Oh why sure, he participates in realm character/monster trafficking, didnā€™t ya know?

@Endertimes OH MY GAWD SO MUSCULARKYAA(Thatā€™s like the worst anatomy ever)


The image isnā€™t from me, I just ā€œmemeā€™dā€ it. Look at the first post.


probably not.

I, for one, find it hilarious


I canā€™t blame ya for thinking that way.

I think it looks weird as well tbh =U


Beefcake Rogue =U

(and yesh Cronus>Etherite foreva!, looks-wise at least)


hahah its magical :wink:


ima have to post something before dis closes lel


I know Iā€™m extremely late, but thanks xD


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