I keep dying


I get that but going off your point,

was the jist of my message.


Lmao do u die from lag


ahahahahaha that’s so funny i killed my whole family


It took me so long to get good a the game. My account is about 2 years old, but I only started getting good last year. I maxed my first character, a knight. I died with it to Septavius, so I went onto a necro. Died again, wasn’t even 1/8. Then I finally started maxing a character, the warrior. It became my first 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, and 6/8. I’ve taken breaks from then on, but I have no plans on stopping completely. The game just gets so addicting, I had a 2/8 and 3/8 pally die within 2 days of each other, now I have a 7/8 knight that I’m trying to make my first 8/8.

There’s just so much to do in the game, get UTs, tops, max characters, pets, guild dungeons, everything.

I love it, I love all of it. It’s such an addicting game and I’m not going to let the sometimes toxic community get in the way of an amazing game. 90% of the community is helpful and fun to play with, then 10% of scammers are absolute cancer, however compared to the 90% of people who I love to play with, I’d take that no matter what.

My trick to getting that warrior to 6/8, and these characters to 6/8 was:

Using my archer to max after my warrior died in a tomb
Playing very cautiously

Those were it, if I couldn’t handle an abyss I’d nexus, if it would take me 15 minutes, so be it. I didn’t rush anything even if it took such a long time. I did this till I got my 6/8 warrior, then started maxing my archer till 5/8 just in case my warrior died. He did, now I have 2 6/8s and a 7/8, will continue playing the game till I get bored.

Patience is the key, not rushing to your death is the key.


“nexusing” made me lose a void blade


I have this same problem. I recently got back about 2 months ago. Everytime I 6/8 with Equips like pixie gcookie acrop ubhp, I die within 24 hrs. What I have learned is to not be overconfident. I died on that thinking I could tank shots from O2 ause he was almost dead and I thought I could finish him. I think we just need to relax and play the game naturally as if we were playing on a 0/8. I think we get a different feeling, that we can do anything and tank shots, or whatever. I recently died on another 6/8 pally, same equips except cc, and died in glands. That was my mistake as I got blinded, and ran through shots, but got medusad, like all other 6/8 death in glands. In conclusion, I think we just need to get over the fact that we do not have god mode, and can do everything. So, relax, take breaks, and play normally, are my suggestions. Hopefully that helps.

A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]

If I were you, I would just nexus when you see your health going low. Also, don’t run shatters on your 6/8 unless you are sure you wont die. If you are in a sketchy situation, just nexus!


For the most part if you want to keep a character alive to the best of your ability you shouldn’t take a lot of risks just play safe and if you think you might be in trouble just nexus. Its more valuable keeping your character alive then trying to stay wherever you are. As others have pointed out try to keep your map zoomed in and keep a eye on it so you can see whats around you and if you are in a bad spot (In the middle of a group of gods for a example) just nexus out. Also about being left back a square one. Try to save some potions (on mules if you have no room) to make starting to max out again a bit easier and less dangerous. Good Luck

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Ive been rushing abbys on a 6/8 pally (which i just died on thinking i could take an entire shatters ice grampa shotgun) and ive gotten to 6 hp and stayed in the abby and continued rushing like a dumbass


Make a class that is not expensive, has great dps, and not easy to die on. According to recent graveyard and you realmeye, you make a lot of rogues and melees, by far the easy, and often expensive classes(not rogue). Consider making a mystic or necromancer, they have decent dps, with their top weapons/abilities being rather cheap (wizard is too expensive, hence st spell is like a pixie, and its attac is a pain to max). Even the st orb isn’t the costly(2-3 life) if you are going for a full set, and the t6 skull is like 3 def. gsorcs are a mana, and after all this added up, it is about 1/4 the cost of a decked melees class, not to mention for these classes you dont need any uts (ep dont count, how often are you gonna use ep in actual combat?).


I do play mystic and wizard a lot, its just that I havent played them recently, I would rather max a mystic then start to play it instead of maxing from the start, like I do for wizard, which I just farm up extremely fast and its pretty fun to use that spell on any boss, whereas mystics ability is better on max wis and max att (or close to max)


? really? Well knight is decent, lots of def, but very little atk. Lower mp, mid most other stuff.

Paladin is pretty decent in price.
Warrior is i guess a bit on the higher side?


im not only referring to stats, but also equips. And Im 100% sure that you know an acclaim is more than a cosmic, an mg shield is more than a t6 spell and an acrop is more than a gsorc. Plus knight has all these swap outs

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thats true, but the thing with that is acclaim and what not, the dmg on those is marginal compared the sky. I never use acclaim, b/c its only marginally more than sky, but like 2-3 life more.


My best advice for if you keep dying is that just try playing a little safer, I know for bosses its tempting to go in and get some soulbound but in the end its not worth it if you die. Another tip is to try and recognize situations where you could die ahead of time and be prepared to nexus so that when its time to nexus you don’t have to try to spam it to get nexused.

Best of luck


Yea I get what you mean, but i dont even play knight anymore… and the reason I have these items is because I get them as drops… All the items that I use I get from drops, besides para hp because they are cheap and just 20 hp less than an exa… I am getting to the point where I am able to at least get all the characters I play to 2/8+ and I just cant jinx it :stuck_out_tongue:


@Lagggggg I know how you feel man. The first character I got closest to even 1/8 died, because I didnt nexus. In this scenario, I recommend closing out of realm of the mad god, assuming you are in browser mode. One of the most engraging and confusing times of death, I was hit by bunch of gods at level 20, I teleported to a friend on the shore, and with nothing around me, I was killed by one of the gods that attacked me pre-teleport. I THINK that this was due to lag, but I have no idea as to what else could have caused it.


Ikr, some of the price differences are ridiculous if you compare effects. For example, look at elvish vs. gquiv. Im not even sure if there is a damage or paralyze duration difference at all, but man the price is +2-3 life for 2 vit and 2 wis. Better yet look at helms, and the comparison between deca rings and ubhps


Just this lunch, I was circling about 4 Medusai, when my friend screwed me over HARD. He began charging the Medusai, and moving erratically, and dragging other enemies into the fight. In the end, I tanked 9 medusa shots for my friend, and that was the end of my priest.


Hey there buddy! I see you have trouble staying alive so here are a few pointers.

  1. Always prepare yourself for death because eventually, you will die. Being prepared is the best way to rebuild. Store up some Def or life so you can convert to Def and have a starting point. Died with a 6/8 warrior? No problem, you have enough Def to remap Def and get some average to decent gear.

  2. Don’t forget you aren’t invincible. Many people forget that they have a hp bar cough juggernaut warrior cough so they end up in uncomfortable situations. They start rushing thinking they aren’t going to die. This will get you killed because no matter how op you are, you still have the chance to die.

  3. The risk VS reward factor. Many people talk about it. And it is true. Think it over, is it worth losing a 6/8 character in a dungeon that has a chance, key word chance, to drop something worthwhile that still isn’t as worth as your character. If you are uncomfortable in a dungeon, nexus. You don’t have to stay and get the reward. You have more chances later on.

  4. Take breaks. The more you play, the more prone you are to deaths. This happens to me a lot. I get to comfortable and start breaking my barriers and end up doing something I regret. Taking breaks helps keep your mind cleared up and play more safely.

That’s all I can think of at the top of my head. But don’t worry, death is inevitable, but you can slow down the process and even prepare for the worst case scenario and have another character potted and ready to hit the grind. I wish the best of luck my good friend. Happy holidays as well :slight_smile:

~ Sahibjit

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