I left for a few days and it seems all hell broke loose with the implementation of the nest


Where does nest spawn? Who does it drop from? Anything discovered about MOTMG other than the reddit calendar? Realistically how hard is the nest? How common is the dungeon drop/white drops/pot drops? Is it worth it?

A fuckton of questions, thanks for any answers.


I left for a couple hours, and I am inclined to agree


Dont do it not worth, its not even well designed just a status effect shitfest so that the only good class for it really is priest


Supposedly a new event, haven’t seen it yet.

No clue what’ll be in the event chests or the fame boxes as of yet.

Hardest dungeon in the game since there is currently no way to cheese it.

Pot drops seem fairly common, some of the STs/UTs apparently drop from regular mobs so they’re not that rare, but I think UT Helm and Dagger only drop from boss (and maybe Troom).

Totally. Might take a while to learn but the loot is really good, especially the UT Dagger. Fucking thing pierces crowds AND ARMOR.


have you played it? almost all of the community loves it. do you just want shots to do pure damage?

this was a much needed change.


I think at the moment it is available from keys only.
[Edit: they updated the game to add the quest event that drops The Nest dungeon, the quest event is called ‘Killer Bee Nest’]


check recent 8/8 deaths…


https://www.realmeye.com/recent-deaths?ms=8 for live updating 8/8 deaths!

and from The Death Thread:


It is now dropped by a new event called the Killer Bee Nest.
Read more on it here: https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/killer-bee-nest-event
EDIT:It is quite hard but it is possible to solo(It has been tested on every class and is soloable). I would probably put it above shatters.


Don’t worry I just got a puri today :heart:


Necromancy Powers

Say, how does the killer bee nest spawn? I can’t seem to find its spawn info…

Edit, nvm. I thought that every event boss has a certain event quest which spawns it.


The only thing that is really “hard” about the dungeon is clearing the dungeon and not wanting to kill yourself from boredom.


I’d saying the boss is the hardest part. Then again, I can’t dodge for shit.


Everytime I do the boss fight I go from 6 hp pots to 0 hp pots. Because I always get hit during one of the dodging phases with a paralyse shot.


the nest drop from event in the realm by killing lich which is really hard

pots is very common

the boss is shit hard


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