I need a good guild


IGN: Lakester
I’m looking for a good guild.
As of now I have 5 8/8s
I do not use a hacked client, I use steam
I have 10,000 character fame,
And I am an EX-Trial Raid Leader for Marble Core Hunters.
I am a Yellow star with great Lost Halls experience.


If you want I have a space for you.
Do you use discord?
Good to know you have LH experience.
Pm me in discord if you want to join.


If you’re active in discord we’d love to have you in Leaf’s Legacy. Just follow the link to apply:


If you have low expectations, you can always pm me


not sure if that encourages people or discourages.

i guess it caters u to the right type of guild.


Yes, we are always looking for new members who are BETTER THAN LITERALLY LIKE EVERYONE IN THE GUILD EXCEPT FOR YOU LMAO


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