Ice Cave Wall Bug


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I just did an ice cave and found the walls like this, not sure if it’s been reported already.


Do you have hardware acceleration on?


That happens when you have hardware acceleration on. It simplifies the walls and textures and for some reason some objects glitch out like that. As to how, no clue, but it may have something to do with flash.


It’s been happening in pirate caves too, ever since hardware acceleration was a thing.


It’s not new. Long before the Ice Cave was released you could see the same behaviour in the Pirate Cave and Candy Land, both of which have similar 3D sculpted walls and rock formations.

As for why, it‘s because whoever wrote the 3D code didn’t know what they were doing. Everything 3D added to the code is broken. These 3D scuplted walls glitch out for no good reason. Other 3D objects are compact, placed like trees and rocks in the world – the pillars around the Dragon event, the graves in the Cemetery 3rd level – all slide on their base as you move, as their transformations are all wrong.

All the rendering code will have to be rewritten for Unity, so the same errors should not occur (though they could introduce new ones).


It’s the hardware acceleration creator that didn’t know what they were doing. All this stuff looks fine without it, but HA turns every 3D effect into a disaster and ruins a lot of otherwise nice visuals. I never use it for that reason, I can’t stand how much it destroys the aesthetics in many places.


You are right. The game is 3D, or two-and-a-half-dee, so all the code is 3D to some extent (though the gameplay is 2D). Hardware acceleration meant rewriting it for Stage3D. The 2D and 2½D bits were ported directly, but whoever did it tried to get clever and do the more 3D bits with new 3D code, every bit of which is broken.


Yes I do, is it worth it to turn it off so that things look better?


Depends, do you need it on for any reason? I need mine on when i’m in big groups, but when i’m not in big groups I have it off.


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