I'd Like To Thank Everyone Who Gave To A RealmEye Christmas


Cheers :beers:


Sorry for the late reply, but it’s so great that this helped restore your faith in the rotmg community! Contributors like @tealeaves who donated at least three 8/8s worth of items definitely do deserve a huge thank you! I hope they know how appreciated their kindness and generosity are!

Also, you seem like you are a very skilled rotmg player, with your late 4/8 paladin, and will only become more skilled as you play. Always keep striving to get a little bit better each time you play.

Merry Christmas!

A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]

Yeah, most of these posts are just clutter but this one has some thought at least.




Thank you! It’s great that people actually took their time to read this! Good luck to you on the givaway, and have a Merry Christmas!


This event really is an embodiment of all thats good, its really awesome to see the ROTMG community standing together to do this for the enjoyment of everyone. Who knows maybe something like a giveaway on an online game will inspire others to donate in real life to the needy. Really good job on people like @Salt and @Paul and all the other donators that aren’t mentioned a lot, you guys are seriously the best type of people, HOPE EVERYONE HAS AN AWESOME CHRISTMAS AND A GREAT 2017 <3 <3 I would like to tag all the donators but im still a new user so im limited to 2 :3 still this community is now one of my favorite gaming communities

A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]

rip, didnt even know that.


I love to hear things like this <3 The community has been detoxified :smiley: @SwagPiggaz Have a great Xmas :slight_smile:


i knoww feelsbadman and i would srs make a bunch of posts thanking everyone but probably considered a spamming tactic haha



im a new user so im limited to only linking 2 people in every post


yeah stupidity is abusing his mod rights.


Agreed. (Though @Scorchmist really does want those mod rights)


i do
look at how i had to seperate my comment here


You forgot me bub.

Weird dots that make up an image (FunDjembe)


i posted that

you joined on

but it would be more like glitchy dotty trooper


I see. I see.



congrats you’re special


Mom! Someone finally thinks I’m special!

Thanks @Shatter


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