Idea for Ninja ST Set



just an idea no salt plz


what am i looking at


my idea for a ninja st set. the idea is that the armor would drop from the jade statue and the katana would drop from the garnet one. daichi would drop the star and the corrupted armor would drop the ring. didn’t come up with stats or special attributes btw lel xd

  1. None of the colors match. It looks like its been saturated and needs shading
  2. Daichi already has a star drop
  3. This should be moved to WIP
  4. The overall set design could use a bit of work especially whatever the ninja is suppose to look like when he has all pieces equipped



Also what is that orange tower next to the full set skin?


lol how can you not see the knight on it


Wtf u used forums?
The sprites colits aren’t very similar to daichu tho


This is



These are some of the most hideous sprites I’ve ever seen.

Please skim through at least some of these:


so many colors

sweats profusely


Colors are too bright and definitely need shading. I think that the overall idea is good but the color choice is terrible and the 16*16 sprite is pretty ugly. The ring looks side ways… and the hide seems to lack arms. Not bad but definitely need some work


why doesn’t anybody notice the knight and the PPE on the skin??!?!!?


Because the sprites were so hideous that I clawed out my eyes before I got to that part


You’re telling me this is a fucking shitpost? Put it in off topic, not WIP


it waza joke m8


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