If you're not going to fix lep, stop using it


It’s been like 5 years and it’s still an autoaimer-only event. There’s nothing fun about chasing an enemy that has so much speed it clips through walls for 20 minutes unless you have a mystic, and the pot of gold STILL hasn’t got HP scaling. The gold leprechaun is slightly better, but only slightly. I’ve lost 2 characters so far to its shotgun and I’ve seen numerous people lose theirs. Nothing that moves so quickly that it can be on you in 1 frame should have a shotgun of any sort, let alone an instant death one.

Whine cellar this if you’d like, I just wanted to rant.


Instantly blinked red from yellow lep’s shotgun with a maxed samurai. I would’ve died then if i was a leather/robe class. It’s so erratic… Also, yeah I completely agree with the pot of gold needing to be HP scaled, it dies so quick that sometimes I can’t get a hit in.


It does, but it’s flawed.
See, its initialDelay value is set to “0”, meaning that it scales as soon as players get close to it, but it has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
Therefore, when it goes vulnerable 25 seconds later, it hasn’t yet scaled up to the people now around it.


Wait people actually die to yellow lep?


He probably wasn’t maxed and complains about damage. like what do you expect going in on a 0/8 archer


nah it was 1/8 max vitality… probably :wink:


I have to agree, people also don’t seem to try to aim the leprechaun to the beach, which makes this even more annoying :v


I mean… it’s not too dangerous if you’re maxed…
A lot of content in this game is intended for maxed players and this seems to be one of them.


The realm leprechaun is an event that seems designed to troll impatient players who can’t be bothered to change their method of fighting it. Eg. turn up on a paladin or knight (lol). Or mindlessly chasing it with 5 ninjas and 10 warriors instead of trying to steer it/shepherd it into a killzone.

I like it, because I turn up on a class that can actually help the fight, but I can see that 6 days of it in the St. Patrick’s Day event, running straight into 7 days of the Alien Lep… is maybe too much. :rofl:

The gold leprechaun, I didn’t fight it much, not at all on melee because why bother risking dying pointlessly. The hypermovement plus a shotgun, did seem stupid powerful.

A bit amusingly, if you are in a small/weak group that doesn’t kill the pot in 5 seconds, the HP boost kicking in gives you even longer of a ‘fight’. :smile: Seen this a couple of times when I’ve soloed a Leprechaun in a realm with newbs. :four_leaf_clover:


The Realm leprechaun is actually easy to deal with, it’s just that for the most part, people think the most viable strategy is to chase it aimlessly, bonus points if they decide to chase it aimlessly with a ninja, which is obviously not going to work and just cause an unnecessary delay in killing it.

The most viable strategy to killing it fast is to have a mystic and multiple ninjas with void blades. Stasising the lep then proceeding to bombard it with void blades will melt it in the blink of an eye, something I’ve done with my ex-guild with efficiency.

Idk about the gold lep, I have never heard about it and was still off the game during St Patrick’s Day, but I rather not imagine the same leprechaun being given the power to blast a devastating shotgun while retaining the exact same AI, that would be horrifying to approach. Moddy_Spooked%20small


The golden leprechaun has a different AI than the Leprechaun or Alien Leprechaun. It just seems to make semi-random erratic movements all around the place, mostly away from players, and sometimes right into their faces :’) I don’t find it too worrisome on ranged classes tho.


How much dmg did the shotgun deal? Was it armour-pierce? Was it survivable as a 6/8+?


The thing is once you’ve trapped it, one troll can sit on it and ruin it~


I survived one on my 8/8 Sorc, with little HP to spare - the first one I saw and I ran straight into it not expecting it to shoot back.


Another strategy is to slow him which reduces him to a speed where ranged can get in shots reliably, and even short ranged can do some damage. Hard to do though – I try and do it as a Sorc with Fulmi but once he‘s being chased away by Warriors and Ninjas he is too far away, and if I TP I have hardly any time to aim. Usually succeed with a shot chained off something else eventually but can take a few attempts for that to work.


just sit on the lep, you’ll be fine.


The Golden Lep is slow immune, though.

@PhantomMod Its quiet burst in its first phase dealt 120 per bullet, with I believe either 8 or 10 shot at once. It’s also slightly slower compared to its later phases.
In its second phase it keeps more distance and throws paralyzing coins - this is where you trap it.
The third phase has relatively weak hex shots (about 8 once again, dealing about 70 damage), and also triple quiet shots (parametric variant). It moves more erratically, so while getting sat on may not equal instakill, you can’t tell when it’ll strike.

(Edit: frick, wrong tag. Sorry Campfires! >.<


Even when mystics are being good mysics, I still lose accuracy. When they aren’t, I lose friend of the cubes smh


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