IGoZoom's new PPE thread


Picked up another agent of oryx ability, this time it’s the super sick orb :slight_smile:


At this point I’m not exactly interested in getting the soulless robe, but I feel like I deserve it after all these liches. Oh well, the phylactery isn’t a bad item and I can always sell it.


So after all this time not even touching puppet theatres, I’ve been given a reason to run them. I have no clue how many I’ve run, but it’s only been a day and I got the robe.


Wow. Didn’t take me long to pick up the hat either - only 80 fame later. I don’t expect the front half of the set to be this easy to get, but hopefully I’ll be able to show the set off soon.


This item is, without a doubt, the most common white I get. Proof later.


So I didn’t show it, but I got a couple epic chests - one from oryx and janus marks and another from an oryx effigy. Say hi to my throwaway character, a plucky ninja with a penchant for opening quest chests. On that oryx chest I picked up what I consider the coolest offensive ring by far.

Anyway, here’s proof that I get a lot of butt swords. I’ve been using my huntress to store items, those four swords all came from the sorcerer, not to mention the most recent one which is still on the sorc itself.


206 posts on this thread and yet only 1 PPE…



quite a few looties


I got 3 ASS within couple hundreds of Oryx’s Castle. Yep, really common.


Yooooooooo, I got the same thing as well LOL. I have like 17 Effigy marks sitting in my vault rn.


More coming too :wink:


Oh to have that much vault space… I’m so jealous, I only hang onto one or two at a time.


how are you so god :open_mouth:


how hyped are you for the encore event :0


That is ALL I WANT DUDE you would NOT believe how ready I am


Honestly I’m not lmao I just play pretty safe and I’m very patient


Hello friends! I’ve been playing a lot by my standards so I have a pretty good update to share with you all. First off, I got a bulwark while running snake pits. Pretty neat!


So I finally decided to use my fortune crystals on this cool knight skin, because 1) I don’t see many people with it and 2) my knight skins suck.


More exciting ST crate action and…

I got the standard loot pot.


Never got this orb before. Seems okayish? Doubt I’ll ever use it though.