IGoZoom's new PPE thread


Dang, got another duplicate with my random oryx abilities.


Full disclosure, everything that’s about to be shared occurred across 18 or so hours. I grinded this encore event hard. Anyway, first drop of note is the prism. 900 FP is chunky so I don’t have any complaints


So I got to 12k base fame! Which is exciting on its own, but means something else as well.

THIS PPE IS AMONG THE TOP 100 SORCERERS! I didn’t even consider this a possibility, because I’ve never even been close before in terms of fame. But here we are, 12k+ fame later, with one of the best sorcerers alive.


Prism number 2


The legend @Maddymoon popped in the middle of our conversation. Big F for that.


First ST get! The wand didn’t take too long, I completed maybe 30 encores at this point (give or take).


Prism #3


2nd ever rune get too, though I don’t really have much use for those.


Took a brief break from encores to run a single ddocks, was rewarded with a cutlass for my efforts.


I figured this would happen, but I got a 2nd magic wand before the scepter. Oh well


4th and final prism get during this intense grind.


FINALLY!!! I audibly gasped when I got the drop, I would’ve cried if it was the pet skin but thankfully it was the scepter! Finally done with encores, I think it is now my most completed dungeon, overtaking mad labs from when I couldn’t get those darned white bag drops (throwback!)


There it is ladies and gents. The gorgeous bunny sorcerer. The set itself isn’t amazing, I think my current loadout is probably a little better, but it is so fun to use in glands and looks amazing, especially with my current dyes.


It’s good for new mystics who aren’t used to stasis range to train with, other than that, it’s a bad orb, kinda useless


i am simply the greatest.


Lucky… want that set so bad. Still need the hat, and for some reason I thought that the theatre event was today as well. Looks like I’ll just have to farm theatres in the realm, which is a big rip


Hey, I got my hat before the theatre event started. Maybe I was just lucky, but it wasn’t that difficult to grind to be completely honest.


Really? Wow that is great to here lol. I was thinking it would be another anointed robe situation, where I do loads and loads of a certain dungeon trying to get the 4th piece of a set and never get it.


damn, the robe is the piece you can’t get? My condolences. But either way, hope the hat turns up for you :slight_smile:


The robe is the only piece I’ve had, I’ve had enough that I even fed 1 or 2 of them