IGoZoom's new PPE thread


Yeah, exactly lol. It’s a little grey area I don’t really know how to navigate


Thanks puma, I appreciate it :slight_smile:


Wrong PPE items from oryx, but at least I got the janus tokens needed for my quest chest. At the rate I’m getting these life pots, I’ll be 1/8 life before anything else…


never noticed this before, but the spider eye ring is somehow a direct DOWNGRADE from the manor ring


A small wand upgrade right before Oryx might bring me some luck…


I wonder what the odds are I run into half of my set in a bag


A robe upgrade, then ANOTHER duplicate of half my set. Also getting tunnel rat before even 1/8 is an interesting turn of events I can’t say I expected from this PPE lmao


Reminder to call your trooms, your kindness will be rewarded.


Never had this problem before… somehow I got dungeon full on the boss room?


If I had a nickel for every life/unc reptile egg I’ve gotten from a tomb, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice


They forgot to make ice cave have a 65 player cap, gave it to the Inner Sanctum instead.


Came across a small lib chain in nexus, first I got an OK DPS ring…

then finally a ring with real survivability. Good riddance geb ring


Yet another tomb, this time with a pretty good drop and a life


Got a solid robe upgrade from a cdepths accompanied by my first mana on this character


Ice kills kids. RIP @Tallnuts


Finally 1/8!


Speed quickly followed wisdom, with a spd from the crystal prisoner, troom, and boss of ddocks all in a row!


This has to be the worst O2 bag I’ve ever gotten. it shouldn’t be legal for O2 to drop bags like this… (don’t worry, I gave the egg to the guy after I screenshotted)


Almost missed this bag running what feels like my 100th sphinx-dropped tomb


Wand upgrade, definitely thanks to my lucky item :slight_smile: