Im banned?


That means your account is banned. You were probably discovered duping, or someone who caught you hacking in a sprite or something sent the file to deca because you said “stfu i’m not paying you” and they sent it :stuck_out_tongue:


@MrLoaf DECA just bans people for fun, I submitted a bug complaint to Deca and I got banned and unbanned 6 times throughout that week


Why the hell would they do that?


@Mynamerr same people who use automated messages, don’t help you recover your account upon hack, charge you 70 dollars for 50 dollars worth of gold… why not?

[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!

What are you talking about?

B/c that would mean less profit for Deca and a higher risk of Deca going bankrupt and a job loss for the support people.


K, reason i got banned and unbanned a bunch is because I said i needed to change my email or else i would keep getting hacked again and they were like “okay, since they have your acc we’ll ban it” and i was like “no, i have my security questions, change my fucking email” and they were like “what about your paypal purchases” and i was like “sure here you go” and they were like “oh, there was a chargeback, could not confirme” and i was like “fuck this shit” and they were like “banned. wait, unbanned, wait banned…”


And as for the gold try making a purchase through CVS or subway. Payment solution gate charges you like 40% more.


You do realize it’s not DECA’s fault for Subway fees right? Subway uses a payment system that charges extra for RotMG.


Deca could pay that fee, however. We’re literally paying for pixels.


DECA wants as much money as they can; they’re a for-profit business…


You guys aren’t the brightest tools in the shed XD.


Well, white is the brightest colour (or absence of colour?) fuckin white stars


xD I’m banned! sigh Have you contated support? Yeah of course! I’m STILL BANNED GRRRRRRR EVEN AFTER SPAMMING THEM!!1!1one!11! Then just wait a bit **IT TAKES TOOO LON…**oh wait I’m unbanned now…


There’s always a reason or justification for which you were banned. I don’t understand why people ask Deca why they(the player) were banned when they already know the answer, it’s a stupid question…


You want Deca to pay you to buy their goods? Are you serious? Also, no one is forcing you to buy those pixels. It’s a conscious decision that you make.


I really want to believe that these forums have a higher standard of quality than the subreddit, but then I see threads like this.


That’s how I usually feel but in the past week or two apparently a bunch of innocent people were banned, which is why DECA is unbanning them. IDK how they fucked that one up tho… Really dick move on the month where you can get a char slot if you log on (almost) every day. Basically “oops sorry you don’t get the char slot/vault oh well too bad we messed up but you suffer”. Thanks, DECA.


Along with what @Vlad said, I am one of those players that were falsely banned. They accused me of RWT/third party trading, although I’ve never done it and couldn’t even get a Paypal account figured out or working until like December 2016. And I’ve always looked down on those buying items websites, the fun of the game is to get the items yourself or work your way for them lol.

If that’s TL;DR then : not a stupid question. :slight_smile:


Lol Keycoding Misformats.


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