[IMAGES] Ghost of Skuld Waifu Version! (My Fan art collection)


After a while, old posts can’t be edited (if I’m correct on experience), perhaps contact staff to edit it for you.


Yes please do it.

I think this is correct

I believe if you ask, the moderators can do it for you, just @ them with what you want them to edit in.



We’ll bribe him with itens. Let’s make a pool. I’ll contribute a pixie.


I’ll put 3 life in


I have at least 1 obsidian dagger for the cause


holy shit, I didn’t even see the sphinx drawing.

She is incredibly fucky and I would certainly tap that lion ass and hold those sweet wings

The General Chat Thread

Ah, cute and sexy Grand Sphynx, just what I needed.

Well worth the wait!


nice drawing


ROTMG family guy meme

DUDE. YOU. ARE. AMAZING! But, am I the only one who thinks that his Stheno art looks like it could be from a popular anime? It just has that art style to it.


Bump, also amazing art! 10 outta 10.


bump, my offer of a pixie sword for some NSFW still stands



Pretty cool art, but there’s one issue I have: YOU CAN’T JUST ASSUME SOMEONE’S GENDER LIKE THAT!!! :rage:


well i mean, would you rather see a male waifu version?


Of Lord Ruthven :wink:


Draw bandit leader please…


Some good wholesome content :ok_hand:


@Lavendulan hey dude, I was wondering if I could use one of your drawings as a thumbnail for one of my realm vids. I can credit in description and link to your website/deviantart/imgur if you have one.


Yes, you could use it for the thumbnails, as long as you put links to my website :smiley:

Here’s the links to all my website for references.

Thanks for interested in my art, I hope you get a lot of views and subs :wink:


Because grammar.