In-Game Economy Thread


This thread is mainly for discussing the in-game economy, inflation, and how good/bad it is.

I’m first just gonna ramble for a bit on inflation, Deca, and the other items with fairly stable prices (IMO, ofc).

Tops Inflation (Realm Gold)

The actual idea of having tops in the Nexus getting sold for Realm Gold is a completely different topic.

I don’t believe that this effects the in-game economy, but I just got it out in case anyone wants to disagree with that.

Tops Inflation (Drop Rate)

I don’t like what DECA did here – increase the availability of tops. Now the in-game economy is really weird, some players selling them for DEF pots, and others still selling them for Life pots like before.

The tops used to be really good items that rewarded experienced players, but now it’s just so easy to get your hands on them. This made a huge impact on the game and I know a lot of players that agree.

Deca Ring Issue

So the other high-tier tradeable items, which are Etherite, Pixie, Shendyt and Soulless (not including skins), sell for quite a lot - something around 6 to 10 life. These items can be obtained from monsters, yet players die with them, so everything is balanced out. This means that their prices are fairly stable (some ups and downs).

HOWEVER, not including trade, the Deca is unobtainable, and players die with it, making it rarer. Therefore, there is more demand, and the price goes up.

One of the ONLY ways to stop this is inflating the Deca, which (I hope) they won’t do. Why? The Ring of Decades has been one of RotMG’s signature items (Deca for DECA). It’s that great item that gives a bunch of HP to the fortunate ones that are able to get their hands them. Bottom line? No inflation for the Deca.


I have an Etherite, and I want to profit from it (sorta). I bought it for 8L (ik, ik, bad deal). So what should I do with it?

  • Trade for Deca
  • Trade for Etherite
  • Trade for Shendyt
  • Trade for Soulless
  • Keep it

0 voters

So what are your predictions on the item prices? Leave your thought below!


Etherite trade for etherite?? Lol


trade the etherite for a deca and then sell deca for etherite 2 life


What exactly do you mean by this statement? Maybe I have had too much beer but I do not understand.

Also Deca has tossed the ring into a very few select chest events in Q4 of 2018 (I think) so it may not be possible for it to drop on the regular, but with such events it can still be obtained.


If you mean t6 abilities, it was a mistake that they fixed in the update a few days ago.
As for weapons & armor, I think a lot of the decline in value of WC tops is the result of having more viable UT, ST, and LH tops available and lowering SB threshholds. In other words drop rates aren’t higher, instead demand is lower.

I think he means inflating the supply of Decas by allowing more to enter the economy via drops or mystery boxes.

I believe they made it drop from normal UBHP locations and event chests for those dungeons only during MotMG. I would expect this to be done every year.


For historical/hysterical purposes:


Actually, theres dupers that increase Deca rings amount.


Duping is the least of the economy’s worries, just saying.


Was gonna say what vale did, the #1 way decas are added into the market is by duping


Actually, on the other hand, if you commonly run Oryxs, there has definitely been a drop rate increase, starting at MotMG. the reason you know it was oryx is because it was a sudden yet massive drop that didn’t start until the Oryx update


i don’t know much about this topic, but I’m pretty sure that’s incorrect…


Months go by without events that drop deca rings, with at least 25-30 lost each day on dead characters. Meanwhile, the price barely changes during this time period. This suggests a significant inflow of items from an illegitimate source.


If you don’t know much about this topic, then why are you challenging someone who knows more than you about this?

If you want it explained a different way, the above comment did it pretty well: no new decas are dropping, people die with decas all the time, yet the price stays constant. Where else are the decas coming from?


I wasn’t challenging you. I was just stating the fact that I don’t think that’s correct. The wording can be misleading sometimes.


cosmic for only 40 def? thats a steal!


I would love to sell my useless dblades for some juggs


Now days, dblade’s probably a life at max. It’s just too common :frowning:


Shoot if dblades only worth a life at max im gonna quit realm


Then be glad that UTs are soulbound I guess.


You can still compare the personal value.