InfamousX Trash PPE thread v2 (ORIGINAL CONTENT)


1/8 mana


My inv was a bit full but I got saved by a backpack drop

I tried to prevent a drag from being dragged into boss room lmao
Don’t prevent drags, it will get you too ~ Bad Gamer


has doku
has t10 katana

I wonder which one I should use :thinking:



I will do 1-2 more mundane ppe’s before I wait till motmg starts, mostly because more fame, loot, and events.


Get one going and make it dream.


Dies in the first second


A acrop, gonna keep as a lucky charm.

A hydra, gonna keep as a lucky charm.


now I got my ST ring and quiver again…


Ebic Gaming Moment


A yellow star huntress dragged on me, not saying who but I’m starting to get annoyed by dying to drags…


wait a min… you told me in realm you got 2k… interesting…


didn’t post the necro yet


Wheres the necro hmm???


I have all the screenshots but to lazy to post lmao
Might as well start from scratch



^($^#(^(^#&^$@& I want that armor


hoes mad


This is bringing flashbacks to a tomb I just did earlier a bunch of people were talking about sex, hoes mad, etc and I ask my guildy all he said is idk…

