InfamousX Trash PPE thread v2 (ORIGINAL CONTENT)




Divine got dbow on lvl 3 assassin in the last UDL, so the next UDL we do…


ok well I sacrificed myself in that udl


Epic Gamer Moment amirite


The tables have turned


yes they have


continues to suicide anyways
ok bye


Don’t do that lmao
I tried 4 times already ;w;


@infamousx do it for real or else i will do it




Darkawaii: Oh u accepting ur infinite sex
Darkawaii: Wanna start now:>?

Should I question this or move on?


@divineoryx no


are you guys like 12? bc u certainly act like u are


lets just never speak of this again




I got cocky and tanked the shots lul


imma get on my alt


lol I just got off


what server do u guys play on