InfamousX Trash PPE thread v2 (ORIGINAL CONTENT)


The Plot Thickens

Also Epic Fire Sword Drop



InfamousX and Yesbutno wedding CONFIRMED?!


yes but no


B-but… Wasnt yesbutno your son?


That was a joke tbh, and Wilhuff said Yesbutno was my wife. Idk


False. Yesbutno said he was your wife.

I just ran with the joke


1/8 Dex





Borrowing Xaklor’s favorite emoji.


Finally I have built up your resistance so you don’t even snark anymore


2/8 Atk


Listen here, if you call ATT Atk again, we are gonna have serious problems, do you understand?


But… that’s what it is…


Atk gang RISE UP!




So I maxed Def in a mbc (It didn’t screenshot it so smh)

Also Mbc Quest Chest
4/8 Vit and Def


But I got this so Nice


5/8 Mana


6/8 Wis


That moment you ‘shift + click’ and use your ability
I want to kill this pally now, its not mundane