Interesting Necro Set


FIRST OF ALL I DONT HAVE THE SPRITES: but if anyone that is good at that, can u make the spirte but make the set look like a robot pls

Staff of Electric Discharge
Pattern of shots: all three shots goes outwards then in at the range of 8
Damage: 70-100
Stats: +5 atk +5 dex +1 def -8 vit

SKULL: Skull of Voltage
Damage: 65 armor peirce +2 damage for every wis
STATS: -6 vit +5 wis

Mech Robe
+20 def +10 wis +101 HP +10 MP -10 vit

+90 mp -1 hp +5 wis -6 vit +5 def +1 spd +1 dex +1 atk

With the whole set on you have 0 vit!!! dats right. NO REGEN. But with your pet, and the spammable skull, you will be indestructable unless you are quiet and pet statsis… then ur dead

Please comment down what you think and I will make changes :smiley:


You will still have 5 vit, not to mention that everything in this is OP


no necro only has 30 vit 6+10+6=30 but yes it is a bit op but like i said if ur quiet u die, but if i do nerf it which one should i nerf?


wait what. 6+6+10=/=22
Do you mean 6+6+10+8=30?
You’re math skills are OFF THE CHART.
It’s so bad, that it didn’t even deserve to be near the chart.
two plus two is four, minus one is three quick math.


OP as fuck robe with no disadvantages. Skull is overpowered as fuck. Staff is overpowered as fuck. Wait, what is not overpwoered as fuck? The robe needs nerf. The skull and staff need stat nerfs. The ring is okay.

Your staff is black. t13 is green. tell me if you can guess which one is stronger
You staff has more shots and each individual shot does more dps and then your staff also gives a dps buff


Sounds like someone with a bad pet. 0 vit is the same thing as 30 vit.
0 vit is the same as 40. 0 vit is the same as 75. Your pet heal is your acutal regen.


I love making sprites, so sure thing.


Staff of Electric Discharge
Skull of voltage
Mech robe
(Robe sprite needs improving)
Overcharged Orb
(From basic Mystic Orb template. However, I do know that it is supposed to be a ring, so don’t try to correct me).



Imagine the robe on a Wizard, or worse yet, a Prot Priest.


changed “interest” to “interesting”

uhhh elaborate. it’s best to stay in the bounds of what we know, mainly having the shots follow a sinusoidal function similar to staves. as of rn, this shot pattern shouldn’t technically be possible.

aside from that, this is completely broken.

this is the most broken skull idea i’ve seen here ever. no exception.

is this a fucking troll at this point? every single item of this set except for the “ring” which is called an orb for whatever reason is completely broken.

and what you’re not accounting for is the fact that YOU CAN USE INDIVIDUAL ITEMS WITHOUT THE WHOLE FUCKING SET

apparently you don’t know how broken pets are

the entire fucking set needs a nerf. no question.


This must be a troll lol, I mean, the player is a dark blue star so the chances of seriousness is 50/50. But damn I laughed so hard at you criticism, couldn’t help it. I barely skimmed over the stats of the items before, I just made some sprites like he asked (in which the skull and ring “orb” still need work). My gosh…20 def and 101 Maximum HP would make you a godly ranged class. You’d basically be on par with the Paladin’s defence at this point. Plus the bonuses of the staff (+1 defence) and the ring (+5 defence), giving a total of 26 defence while unmaxed and 51 when maxed…you’re basically immortal.


The player is a dark blue star

Screenshot (139)


How to make the mech robe usable> -40 spd, -30 dex.




I’ve never seen such a poorly designed set.


It’s already obvious how overpowered all of the items here are, but I still might as well give my take on this /shrug

It would be easier to better understand the shot pattern if you just gave the amplitude and frequency of the shots. You can test them out with Pfiffel’s DPS Calculator.
The damage is completely outrageous, it’d be overpowered even with only 2 shots instead of 3. The range is very slightly lower, but that doesn’t justify it at all. Either lower the amount of shots to 1, give the weapon a very low firerate, or greatly nerf the range (something like 4-6).
Also, here’s a little rule of thumb: Don’t give ATK/DEX bonuses to weapons, you might as well just increase the damage/firerate!

Here’s another little rule of thumb: It is not wise to give WIS to abilities with WIS modifiers, you might as well just increase the effectiveness outright!
The MP cost is WAY too low, somebody with a good pet could just spam the fuck out of the skull almost endlessly. Yes, the skull doesn’t do a very large amount of damage (excluding the WIS modifier), but the fact that it fully armor-pierces (combined with the low-as-hell MP cost and lack of cooldown) makes this skull much too powerful. It also heals 100% of the damage dealt, which is also too powerful. I’d suggest increasing the MP cost to at least 125, and giving the skull a cooldown of at least 1.5 seconds.
Also, you didn’t include a radius for the skull, might want to add that.

This robe gives more DEF and nearly double the HP of a Soulless Robe, it gives an unbelievably high amount of WIS, and it gives a slight MP boost. -10 VIT doesn’t justify this item at all, it is completely broken and needs a massive nerf.

What is the point of the -1 HP? I get that it’s supposed to counteract with the +101 HP for the robe, but it’s just unnecessary.
This ring (orb?) is probably the least overpowered compared to the rest of the set, but it’s still overpowered. It gives a fair amount of MP/WIS/DEF, along with a slight increase of SPD/DEX/ATK. It may not be broken, but it’s still a little bit too strong.

The catch of this set is that, with all of the items together, it reduces your Vitality to 0. While I can’t confirm/deny this, I don’t even know if 0 Vit will actually make you stop regenerating HP. 0 Dex doesn’t make you stop shooting, and 0 Atk doesn’t make you deal 0 damage.
Even if 0 Vit made it so your character can’t regen, pets still exist in the game, and so do restoratives/consumables. There are ways to deal with debuffs. For example, you could just drink a Holy Water to instantly negate any harmful status effects, and they aren’t even that hard to get.
Not to mention, you don’t have to wear the entire set as a whole, and you could still use some of the items on other classes. Any Priest could wear that robe, and Vitality doesn’t mean anything to them.

This set is completely broken, and it needs some major nerfs on all parts.
I really do like the sprites made by @Redox, shoutout to him :slight_smile:

At this point, I’m probably known around here for my long walls of text, sorry.
TL;DR - Set is broken, too powerful, give nerfs, good fanmade sprites.


YEEEEER. Thanks man. I feel like I should make the highlights a pale-turquoise though instead of varying the colors. I could attempt rebalancing this set too tomorrow, see if a rebalance makes this any better.


are you all fucking blind, theres a minus 8 vit on the staff stupid fucks




woag dats pretty good