Introducing The Third Dimension


obligatory @Demonseye




best dungeon in the game exept for the constant slow spam. thats gotta be tweaked.


Yeah lets not do that


Ok just kidding.


We did it forums. Minecraft is no more!





we need a jojo reference dungeon now


What’s your obsession with jojo all the sudden?


always has been


third dimension is fun but when are we gonna get a pentaract or skull shrine dungeon :flushed:


how long till absolutely every enemy has a dungeon drop?


too long.


we need an oryx 0 dungeon


Cave of a Thousand Treasures?


but it does not count towards oryx kills :smiley: it’s just an effigy, what makes the naming ‘oryx 0’ more reasonable.


oryx -1 anybody?


That’s the troom in theatre :wink:


what about ora-oryx