Is it just me or are Deca's new event white drop rates broken?


I started playing realm at like 10 a.m, played basically non-stop until 1:00 a.m. the next day. All I did was hop realms and grind events, without using any loot pots. I got 6 event whites: Oreo x2, Ray Katana, QOT, Jugg, and CDirk. The only non-event whites I got was a spirit dagger and an a.s.s. Has everyone else been getting an absurd amount of event whites? Am I the luckiest man alive? Is Deca’s game broken? WTF?


Wow insanely lucky. You might be getting more because you have been doing more events.


You’re just lucky. Unlike me. reeeeeeeeeeeee


7 event whites in 5 hours?

I’m a bit sceptical.


I don’t have screenshots of the bags but my guild mates could confirm.
Edit: It was 6 event whites in 15 hours, not 7 in 5


I am salty. Enough said.



It’s because you’re yellow star

when you’re yellow star, you get insanly lucky

EVERYONE knows that


yellow star. can not confirm.


I don’t get whites lol


Me and a few of my guildies also got event whites, but I think it’s just because you’re doing more events for the christmas thing. Deca has implied they will be buffing drop rates though.


so tell me why i still dont have a single FUCKING PROT >:c


I’ve gotten 3 in less than one year of playing :wink:


1 year, 4 crowns, 3 bracers, and 1 gemstone later, I have never gotten the elusive items that DECA has dubbed “Encounter UTs”. I guess they never bothered to encounter me before D:


Only 3? I have around ~10 at one point and 2 Frigid Protections. I fed around 4-5 of them to get my divine.


Gotten nothing good so far; Bullshit game.


u playin too much raj


you could be fweftjfhjs


okay they may be broken, jugg + qot in the past 5 hours O_O


I’ve been getting a lot of whites today as well. but not event ones.


5 years 100 days and only 4 event whites and 2 shatters whites… both bracer…