Is it worth investing in this game?


He could’ve found the fame train/done LH’es.

All you have to do for the LH is follow RL’s orders (Only applicable for PLH’s)


tbh I still doubt it’s a legit account
the intervals his fame is gained at doesn’t look like it’s from LHs


I have not analyzed his rate of fame gain, so…


Or this game has just become 5x easier in the last few years.


nah, more like 2-3x.


Is fame training bad?
I was told it was a good way to get something out of it when your chat dies.


definitely not bad, but the some players think it is. it’s just a faster and easier way to get fame


Question: Would he know that LH is a thing?


what? lost halls? i know that, ive been ghosting these forums for a couple months


just don’t buy lootboxes. whatever you fucking do, don’t buy the mystery boxes. ever. EVER.

But yea, Beginner’s pack is really nice, but get the feel of the game first. I had one character slot for the longest of time. And most storage can be done through muling (aside from UTs if you end up collecting those.)


In my vault I have (atm): ray Katana, cbow, ctrap, csilk, spectral, shatters key, murky poison and plane walker.

Are all of these worth keeping?


Drop spec. It’s garbage.
Inb4 screeching.



and don’t drop spec


I’ve gotten more daggers than specs



I would basically never use spec. 3 def and 2 dex for 3 att and 3 spd? The dex and att essentially cancel, and 3 spd is nothing. The dagger on the other hand is actually helpful, and has higher dps than foul.


At the time you spend money on it, it feels worth it.
The short period of time after all the gold is gone, usually feels not worth it.
Time spent playing afterwards with new quality of life stuff, feels worth it.

After quitting the game thinking of the time and money spent over the years…it’s not worth it.


I have 2 spectrql anyway (1 is just sitting in my backpack :frowning: )


thats why i said at the end that im just making an educated guess, i do find it insanley hard to believe somone thats been playing for 3 months can keep a char alive for over 2k base, let alone it being a melee, and a warrior.

i stack up my newer buddies with gear and shit too but they usually make it too like 500 fame and they have been playing for a while now, again, just my educated guess, i got lots of thins leading me on to saying what i said, other wise i wouldnt have said it



lhs, i doubt it af. fame train, i still doubt it af. u need like 30k to get into to good ptrain, the public one is shitty/slow/inconsistant, i doubt a new player would devote that much time to fame training and being carefull

e d u c a t e d - g u e s s tho


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