Is maxed paladin a good class compered to knight,warrior?


Is maxed,permabuffed paladin without ut seal a good class compered to knight,warrior?
For Solo?
Are seals good for solo play compered to knight/warrior abilities?
For rushing?
How good are pallys in high level dungeons compered to warrior and knight(For getting loot,by survivability,dealing damage by themselves)?
Are their a good choice as a compromise between warrior dps and knight survivability?


As someone who had a 6/8 pali on my main account, I can definitely say it’s a good class.

[quote=“Zaidejass, post:1, topic:11299, full:true”]
Is a maxed, permabuffed paladin without the UT seal a good class compered to the Knight or the Warrior overall?[/quote]

Well, keep in mind that this is opinion based, so take everything everyone says with a grain of salt.

Without the Oreo, a 6/8 paladin is a very good class, it’s a great combination between offence and defense, and he’s good whether you’re soloing or doing a dungeon with a group.

[quote=“Zaidejass, post:1, topic:11299, full:true”]
For Solo? [/quote]

So long as you can keep on buffing yourself, even without weapons like the csword for playing safe, you can solo dungeon easily, and efficiently.

[quote=“Zaidejass, post:1, topic:11299, full:true”]
Are seals good for solo play compared to Knight / Warrior abilities? [/quote]

Absolutely, the health boost and the regen allow you to stay alive, while the damaging buff helps for clearing quickly, so you don’t have to sit back and regen as often if you’re soloing a dungeon.

[quote=“Zaidejass, post:1, topic:11299, full:true”]
For Rushing? [/quote]

Just read what I put above, the same thing can be said.

[quote=“Zaidejass, post:1, topic:11299, full:true”]
How good are pallys in high level dungeons compared to Warrior and Knight? ( For getting loot, by survivavility, and dealing damage by themselves) [/quote]

The buffs from paladins are very important in high level dungeons, as they greatly increase group survivability, and efficiency, with the Health boost, Regen, and Damaging buffs respectively.

As for getting loot, you’re a melee class, don’t think you need to worry about soulbound thresholds.

For survivability, 2 of the 3 buffs paladin gives are for survivability, so as long as you have mana, you have health, infact, health potions and mana potions are practically the same thing on a paladin.

As for damage dealing, you’re a melee, so you already have a lot of damage, and you have your damaging buff, making it so you deal plenty of damage, so long as you have the mana to back it up.

[quote=“Zaidejass, post:1, topic:11299, full:true”]
Are they a good choice as a compromise between Warrior’s DPS and the Knight’s survivability? [/quote]

No doubt, Paladins may not have that 75 attack cap the warriors do, but the damaging buff allows them to combat that, and your group gets it as well. As for Knight-esque survivability, Paladins do have the 2nd highest defense stat cap at 30, and once you max your wisdom, it’s honestly pretty hard to die so long as you aren’t reckless, since you can just spam heal yourself.

One last thing, all of my opinions are based on my 6/8 pali that I once had, and my pet had Heal at level 60, and Magic Heal at level 58, so I don’t have an insanely broken pet as of right now.


Summary: Yes, Pally is good. As statistics show, pally characters stay alive longest compared to warr/knight. Plus, you have healing, atk buff, HP buff, and great rushing potential. But, it depends on your pet lvl if you wanna chose, because knights plus warriors have a advantage if you only have a common /uncommon pet.

Tldr: if your pet is op, then your pally is too


What statistic?



the irony in some people’s names :heart:


Paladin is the most versatile class in the game. It’s a true jack of all trades. It’s also my favourite class.

Experience? 50+ 6/8’s and quite a few 6/8+ paladins. Main class for shatters

The most versatile class right now?

My thousands of stalking good players realmeyes statistics


Is it an actual statistic or backed up in any other way than just your subjective assumption?


Brb checking realmeye graveyards
I simply checked the amount of recent 8/8 deaths of paladins and warriors/knights, and paladins( I further searched the players pets, i.e legendary / divine) died less than warriors and/or knights with (l/D pets)


This is still heresy unless you provide solid numbers, preferably with images to corroborate your claims.

Also @Zaidejass,

Remember, you won’t always have the mana to permabuff, in a lot of situations you will be forced to reseal before the buff wears out, because the HP boost may be needed.
Unless you have a really high level pet.


even if he ‘reseals’ before time he’ll get enough mana to buff again before it runs out. That’s how perma buff works.


Implied that part here. Minimum mheal level for permabuff does not take into account resealing before buff wears off.


@MessltUp, you have quite the patience replying to everything every idiots says… i don’t envy you at all…


Pally is definitely one of my favorite classes. It has really good survivability with the ability to heal, and high defense. Also, it has plenty of damage. While it’s not as high as some characters, a paladin with maxed dexterity and attack will do just fine damage-wise.
2 8/8 pallys and a 6/8 pally, with a lot under 6/8 as well.


If you can survive on all three then warrior and knight can be more outright fun than paladin, due to their more aggressive abilities.

Paladin can do most everything that the other melees can, taking a little longer, but you have a higher survivability to make up for that.

Paladin can be very versatile in his equipment:
-If you stick a HP ring on him, his massive HP allows tanking that a knight could be proud of.
-Or a def ring and enjoy high def and high HP when you use ability.
-You can wear a DPS-y ring, and rely only on using seal to give you the HP bonus. For the non-insta-RIP content.
-You can even go for a speedy setup and leave the squareheads behind you to get in your dmg early at realm events like cube, pent, skull.
-If you have a csword you can treat pala as basically a tank dagger class.

Overall I find the main advantage to being paladin is when co-op, since a group with pala is much stronger than without. Usually when I’m soloing, I end up wishing I was a warrior.


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