Is Puppet Theatre dropping from Leviathan a good fit?


It just kinda bugs me, exacerbated this week while concentrating on farming them for the chest event, and last week had 2x days in a row as Daily Quest. They don’t have anything thematically to do with each other.

Levi Pup Archer Pup Knight Pup Pala Pup

Leviathan is a water beast from the depths. Puppets I imagine don’t work very well in those conditions, with all those wooden bits and pieces. The dungeon as well - nice wooden panelling all over.

Wouldn’t it be in fact that the godlands enemy that puppets are most close to is… Constructs? As some kind of artificial beings animated to life by whatever means by their creator.

Brown Const Blue Const Grey Const

We switched Abyss from Medusa onto White Demons (WDs appear in Abyss)
& Snake Pit was added onto Medusas (they’re both snakes… DUH!)
So it’s not sacrilege to suggest making such a change.
Puppet Theatre and Constructs also both drop att pots but that’s not really a key point.

So would Puppet Master’s Theatre fit better as a drop from the Constructs rather than from Leviathan?

Edit: @CptShevu reminds me that one of the Constructs is even made of wood, so it could drop just from that one and make a very nice match.
Brown Const Wood Construct wiki page

A side benefit would be that players have a little more motivation to kill the Constructs if they have a dungeon drop - so godlands gets a bit less chock full of them. And then maybe one day Leviathan gets an appropriately watery dungeon.

What do you think?

Maybe the constructs in Godlands should drop a dungeon?
Ice Cave

It may or may not be an implicit reference to Pinocchio, where the leviathan represents Monstro (a giant whale).


Good idea, though leviathans deserve their own dungeons too


Would doubt it

I think the constructs seems like a fair idea. Or maybe a particular construct


I’ve thought this would be a good change for a while now. If it dropped from the Wooden Construct, that would make the most sense.


Nice piece of info! Will have to go and read it. Am sure I’ve seen the Disney one years ago but don’t remember it much.


Puppet dropping from constructs makes a lot of sense, especially since they dont have an direct connections with leviathans
Also, going off of where you related white demons to abysses and medusas to snake pits, the definition of construct is just something that’s built, so they pretty much are just big puppets in my opinion, with life breathed into them and now they wander around aimlessly. Maybe oryx loaned them from the puppet master to deal with and annoy us pesky heros and forgot to give them back?


Something to get rid of the constructs is always good


I always loved how puppet theaters drop from leviathons. It’s pretty clever. :sunglasses:


I feel like somehow this has to do with a book where a puppet master somehow is connected to a leviathan
Edit I just did a 10 minute deep search can’t find anything but there is 1980-1900 movies called “Puppet Master” I’ve never seen them though


I think I recall KoalaP saying at some point that Constructs were considered, but since they can’t be killed very easily by an unmaxed player, it didn’t seem appropriate since it’s the main source of ATT.


Very good point. Usually the only people I see killing them are mystics, archers with quiver, huntress with coral trap, and melees with high DPS and an electric pet. Having them drop a dungeon that is a big source of att will make its price increase, as people would rather not kill constructs. Especially if only one of the constructs actually had a chance to drop the dungeon.


dang i never knew that! what a profound statement :slight_smile:


I imagine that the leviathan having something to do with puppetry could be a good episode of Culture Shock.


That is such a good point though!!! I personally hate them like I hate Urgle, and kill them with my Bulwark every chance I get.


Cnidarian amirite?


Nah it’s a court of oryx dungon, single boss fight in a nice little arena


It’s obviously a metaphor for how the game has turned into a giant monster, turning the loyal player characters into nothing more than puppets on strings whose sole reason for living is supplying the developers with yacht money.

Or Kabam didn’t care, which is pretty hard to believe.


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