Is Ring Of Decades Worth Wearing


I am a noob that has recently gotten access to 2 rings of decades through weeks of on and off trading. I’ve never had such valuable items before this. Is it worth it for me to wear one of them? They look really nice and they’re a great change of pace from my usual exa hp but if I lose one basically a third of my wealth is gone. So what should I do with these two rings of decades? Im also thinking about buying skins but I just dont know


Have you ever heard of the Law of Diminishing Returns? That ring is a good example of that…

Keep in mind that as you get up in the tiers, you will get less for what you pay for. I’d stick with Paras and Exas if I were you…


If you can’t afford to easily obtain more, do not use them. In my experiences, Exa HP is perfectly fine for high-level and endgame content, and each are incredibly cheap compared to UBHP and Deca.


Bingo! Even a Para is a fine choice if you’re rebuilding or just farming godlands dungeons.
Generally I only put Exas on chars with some decent maxed stats and Pyras on my favorites.


I’d save them just in case you lose all your characters and want a fast way to max. You can just make do with a T5 hp ring, since the difference isn’t too big, and losing a deca would be pretty bad.


I would sell it for 4-8+ Life LOL.

For me, I would use that to buy 8 non-HP T6 rings or buy 8 WC Tops.


Be like me and hoard everything. Then when you’ll never run out of funds




no, give it to me.


you should trade until you have at least 100 decas!
pros: not afraid of dying with deca on (bc you have too many already)
cons: might takes 100 year to complete

On the more serious note though, you can use it to buy good skins since it’s one of the only permanent thing in this game. You can also divide your deca to like 12 exa hp which is much more cost efficient to use.


You currently have a single 1/8 char. Until you have multiple +4/8 chars, you shouldn’t even think about expensive items.


sell em and buy UBHP’s instead, they’re basically the same thing but Deca is worth a couple times more.


Merch skins with them.


Alternatively, don’t wear pure HP rings in the first place.


What I mean is I can use Deca to buy bunch of tops.


You’d be better off maxing with them.


If you own one yes you should. It is the best survivability ring in the game. If you cant a para/exa hp will do.


How much should I sell a Deca for? Like 1 UBHP and 4 Life?


What are some alternatives? My luck is trash I have no ST, UT rings or anything of that sort. Not even expos even if I do labs alot.


Oh ok thank you. Only one character slot tho its a struggle.