[Poll] Is the Sword of Acclaim blue or purple?


Blue + Purple = Blurple.

Like the berry the caterpillar in A Bug’s Life used to fake being decapitated.


scraggly ole uni


i’ll never let this post die! I will repost every 30 days…
-forgets for 30 days-
oh crap


Yo it’s so BLUE , it’s PURPLE


It will always be purple to me. Isn’t purple generally a nicer color than blue anyway?


Why is this in Q&A this isn’t a question its a community poll :confused:
Edit: even OP voted :confused:

It Is obviously blue though


The person who created this poll is colour blind/their monitor wasn’t displaying correctly.

The people who keep bumping this are the bane of my existence at the moment.

EDIT: No, @Pharest, it’s purple. But this entire thread is basically a pointless argument.


I bumped it by 19 hours :confused:


For you it’s blue?


I don’t think anyone would mind if I closed this, hmm?

Btw its intended color is purple xP