Is there still a fame train?


Hello there! Im back to playing (haven’t played since DECA took ownership) and I was wondering if there still was a fame train? Whenever I go on EUN2 I dont see an active train.

Thanks in advanced!



need something for body unclear


There is not a private train anymore but instead a public train. I’m on mobile so sadly I can’t easily link you but like herdinininini said simply type “train” in the search box of this forum and you will find the discord.

It’s awful. Have fun


They went private for the summer tho, right?



Well they currently are failing to do that :joy:




using the search feature would just make a bunch of posts asking about the fame train to appear


and those question was already answered, so you can rely on that


I retract what I said

Sadly if you search “train” or “ptrain” you are met with many threads that link to the incorrect discord.


seeing many people declarated their own train, i’m not that surprised


Honestly…there are enough players around, just get a small group of 40 players who know how to train and are the same timezone as you, and ta-da you have your own ptrain. Otherwise, the public train is a mess.


Not sure if you mean EUN2 but the public train that has a discord associated with it that moves servers is actually a very fast and near 24/7 train


Down with the bourgeouise!


Hence why you can see many of the “top trainers” in said train. They moved out of EUN2 because they have certain generated world’s that are deemed more efficient but I don’t train enough to know about those.


quick! what world!


;-; Patrick.


I’ve been in the public with the discord. Half the time it is slow, only getting 4 fame a minute. But other times…it does well getting 8-10 fame a minute.


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