Is wizard op?


Guys is wizard op for loot ?


For sure. Wizard has outstanding DPS and range as well.


Is wizard op? no.
Is wizard good at getting loot? yea.


Wizard is no better for getting loot than any other class. The sb thresholds on everything are very low, so basically any class can reach them. Going way above the threshold has no effect on your chance at loot. Maybe if you’re using a 0/8 wizzy it’ll get more loot than a 0/8 of another class, but if you compare a maxed wizard to any other maxed char they are equal in terms of getting loot.


Wizard is kinda “brainded”

and by that I mean its very easy to hit sb dmg on wizard.
you still need to position correctly

Wizard has range, high offensive stats. high spell dmg and now an armor piercing one.

So good for getting ez sb? yes


Its probably the worst class for rushing and crowd control, so its not op
But its good in situations where you want range and a lot of dps like tombs or farming glands


Played well, yea. (So basically like all other classes in the game)
If you know how to dodge, stay back, and spellbomb well, wizard is great for loot.

Otherwise, nay. He’s squishy, so if you’re looking for a good source of long-term loot income but aren’t that good at the game, you might want to look elsewhere. Unless you have a tablet, his damage will also be focused on single targets so sometimes his huge damage output just won’t cut it against mobs of enemies (like godwalls).





op or not, it’s boring as hell.

loot isn’t really hard to get anyway so I would say no


#Handy Dandy Poll

  • It is OP
  • It is not OP
  • It is just right
  • paden best class

0 voters


I do think the spellbomb is “op” in the context of looting; the nature of a spellbomb perfectly encompasses the entire loot system, which is to deal a set amount of damage to a single target before the target dies.


So basically the wizard isn’t op or crazy good at getting loot. If the soulbound thresholds were higher, it would be. However, since the thresholds are low, the wizard is basically just really good for melting enemies, a sort of “a good offense is the best defense” sort of thing, while maintaining a good range. It may be easier to get loot with a lot of people, however, as in large groups low dps classes find it hard to get loot a lot of the time. The wizard also has an instant damage ability, making it even better on chests and the like, however it’s squishy, so on other bosses where you HAVE to be close, or the area is enclosed, like Shaitans or dungeons similar, those are where it has its downfall.
So basically, the wizard’s RNG is the same as everyone else, however it has an easier time getting the SB threshold more quickly than other classes, helping it to get loot in specific circumstances. However, it’s low armor make it terrible in places you need armor or health, as it’s lower HP and defense make it incredibly squishy, as most other robe classes have some way to heal faster, i.e. necro’s skull, priest’s tome, or sorcerer’s high vitality, the mystic can stasis to regen if need be, however wizard’s only defense is his pet, armor, and ability to melt the enemies face off.


What do you mean with “op” ?
op like dmg or op like good for gameplay with groups ?


Op as heck


Wizard has gone down in the OP-ness scale


It’s very OP, Its spellbomb can do over 3000 damage in one blast, and it has a base dps of 2,455 using a cosmic (at 0 def), and don’t even get me started on the EP, 5,568 dps at 0 def. It has The highest dps of any class, and that doesnt include the spellbomb. The dps itself would be OP, but it’s not only good when it comes to dps, it also uses the second highest range weapon, the staff. And it doesn’t even stop there, it has OP damage, range, and it also has the ability to hit enemies without any risk, due to the staff having two shots that move around you can shoot around walls and obstacles, plus, with the esben staff, it’s easier to hit enemies around walls with the added ability to pierce. I see a lot of people complaining about how the warrior is OP due to it’s high damage output, but a wizard using an EP has double the damage of a dblade warrior. Yes the wizard is OP, and not just in one aspect, but many.


Counterargument to “low soulbound thresholds means spellbomb cannot be op”:

If it is easiest to achieve soulbound with the spellbomb, that also means Wizard requires the least effort out of all the classes in doing so. The spellbomb is powerful and incredibly flexible in this sense - the damage is huge, instantaneous, easily aimed anywhere on screen, and cheap. Rather than analyzing the ability from a “try to do the most damage as possible” point of view, evaluate it from a “try to do the minimum damage required, then back out to safety” perspective.

After thinking about this more, ultimately this means Wizard shines in situations where you can back out after investing minimal effort. This includes most things except fights where you are trapped in a room where survival becomes more important than soulbound (Marble Colossus, Void Entity, Killer Queen Bee, Shatters, Shaitans, etc). Introducing more content like this (and also in conjunction, loot chests) helps reduce/balance the power of the Wizard in the metagame by blocking the option of doing minimum damage and then backing out. Wizard is recommended as a beginner class because all the early-midgame content ie. the original wildshadow/kabam content provides this option.


The biggest balancing factor to the wizzy is the d/c if you spam your ability too much. The game wants you to be fair on the other classes when it comes to loot :wink:


It’s not overpowered, but it’s probably the best all-round class in the game.