Item Concepts


So, i have some concepts for items and stuff, but i don’t find any way to make them work on pfiffel using the weapon editor or i just can’t think of a sprite to it.

So, i’ll just throw the concepts around and maybe someone will like them. Eventually i’ll make fully fleshed-out ideas for these.

(keep in mind that they’re just concepts, so maybe they’ll will be really bad.)

1- Delayed Prism
A prism that summons a decoy which has an AI. The AI tries to run from enemies, and then when the decoy time is over you get teleported to its position. Probably would be underpowered.

2- Debuff Poison
A poison that doesn’t deal any damage, but debuffs enemies. Pretty simple, and could be useful, i think.

3- Buff Tome
Maybe this would make warriors and paladins pointless, but whatever. A tome that doesn’t heal, just buffs players.

4- Orbital Spell
A spell that summons shots that circle the player and deal damage to enemies that touch them.

5- Revenge Shield
A shield that deals increasing damage the less life the player has.

Any opinions?


I think my favorite is the spell.

My least favorite is either the shield or AI. I’m not trusting an AI for the fate of my character’s tp


i think that if well-programmed, it could be pretty nice.


Would rather not risk myself and hand my life to a AI… You could just use a regular prism that would practically do the same thing, and be easier to control and doesn’t risk your ass… LH : Uses prism, lures away commander, you tp… poof. You could just use another prism and do the same thing and not die lol. Good concept, but not that great in reality. 5/10 for effort

How would effects like darkness, bleeding, etc be applied? (Assassins mainly use poison for damage, so this might be a little underpowered. Maybe have it deal like, minimal damage… 300ish? 4/10

Makes warriors/pallys useless, otherwise nothing much to say. 6/10

I like this, i think it’ll be useful for some situations. 8/10

Not too original, can’t really rate unless you tell us the scale for hp loss to dmg. I’d perfer a regular shield, stun and shields already do like, what, 2000+? 3/10


No words for this one


That’s why they’re concepts.


Hey, i’m just trying to give feedback ;c


but i’m not complaining, i liked the feedback


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